Kristoffer Sandven
Kristoffer Sandven is a photographer, filmmaker and web consultant living in Oslo, Norway. He's the founder and author of JoomlaBlogger.
Easier snippet management with Google Tag Manager
Google Tag Manager is a new, free service from Google that helps you set up and manage your web site code snippets. Tags, as Google call them, are code snippets like the Google Analytics tracking code and more. You can add any type of tags to the tag manager, not only Google related ones.
I have previously written about how to add Javascript snippets to your Joomla web sites. The tag manager makes this even easier, and you can get away with adding just one piece of code.
Joomla blog posts from around the web (38/12)
Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 38:
• Joomla! 3 available now.
• Joomla! 3.0 FAQ
• Joomla 3.0 Released – Here is what you need to know!
• Joomla 3.0 is here
• Joomla 3.0 is here!
JSN PowerAdmin Extension
It is not easy for a Joomla newbie to define front-end items in the back-end, change module positions, etc. It also takes time to manage the website content since items are divided into separate sections and you need to click a lot to edit them.
Don't buy security from strangers
About a week ago, I received an email from an anonymous hacker. He had sent the same email to around 350 people in the Joomla community. They were all registered in the same affiliate system for a well-known software developer, and attached to the email was an Excel sheet with all of their contact info and user names. The hacker said he had extracted the info from an insecure system and offered "security services" to protect from similar hacks.
Apparently, people had been talking about this for a couple of days already on Twitter. Still, I wanted to check a little more what this guy was after.
Presenting at JoomlaDay Spain
JoomlaDay Spain 2012 takes place later this week in the town of Mérida. I was very happy when I got asked to do a presentation during this event. JoomlaDays are always great fun, and I'm looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones.
The JoomlaDay features a good variation of topics, presented by local and visiting speakers.
Joomla blog posts from around the web (37/12)
Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 37:
• Joomla 2.5 is the Recommended Version for Most Sites
• Join Us for Final Bug Squish before Joomla! 3
• Joomla! Day Spain - September 28 - 29, 2012
• Thanks to Pizza, Bugs and Fun Participants!
• What To Do When Your Disqus Comments Link To The Wrong URL
• SH404SEF released
• Joomla upgrade 2.5.7 now available - 2 security issues resolved
Joomla blog posts from around the web (36/12)
Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 36:
• September JUG Activities & the Joomla! Birthday Party
• Joomladay Cape Town 2012 & sharing knowledge
• A month of minimal Joomla templates
• Keynote speakers announced for the inaugural Joomla World Conference
• Watchful.li - a new service to backup, upgrade and monitor your Joomla portfolio
• SiteGround becomes a partner of Joomlashine
• All JoomlaShine templates are responsive - Check it out!
• Joomla Day 2012 in Germany - Come to meet and talk!
Joomla blog posts from around the web (35/12)
Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 35:
• Joomla! Day Poland - September 22 - 23, 2012
• Pizza, Bugs, and Fun Sept 15, 2012, plus Birthday Party!
• Help Us Test Joomla 3
• Call for OSM Board Nominations - Sept 2012
• Watchful - Remote Updates, Backups and Security Monitoring for Joomla!
• Sponsoring and speaking at Joomladay Germany
Joomla blog posts from around the web (34/12)
Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 34:
• Admincredible.com is Live. Beta Coming Shortly
• Joomla 3.0 Alpha 2 Notes
• DOCman for Intranets
• Responsive Jomsocial Template
Joomla blog posts from around the web (33/12)
Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 33:
• We Need Your Help to Explain Joomla 3
• Joomla!Day New York City-September 22-23
• First time in Joomla! history!
• Fitvids - Responsive video for Joomla
• Ranking factor dilution - a big problem for Joomla SEO