Joomla blog posts from around the web (37/12)

Joomla blog posts from around the web (37/12)

Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 37:

• Joomla 2.5 is the Recommended Version for Most Sites
• Join Us for Final Bug Squish before Joomla! 3
• Joomla! Day Spain - September 28 - 29, 2012
• Thanks to Pizza, Bugs and Fun Participants!
• What To Do When Your Disqus Comments Link To The Wrong URL
• SH404SEF released
• Joomla upgrade 2.5.7 now available - 2 security issues resolved

Joomla 2.5 is the Recommended Version for Most Sites

Written by Steve Burge

Last month we wrote a blog post called “The 3 Things You Need to Know About Joomla 3”. 

As a reminder, here are those 3 things you need to know:     

1. What is great about Joomla 3? Mobile. Joomla 3 will be the first major Content Management System to be completely mobile-ready.    

2. Who is Joomla 3 for? Early adopters. Initially, Joomla 3 is best used by early adopters, developers and more experienced users.    

3. I am on Joomla 2.5. What do I do? Stay where you are. Joomla 2.5 a wonderful version of Joomla and will be supported until 2014.

In this blog post, we’re going to expand a little on the third point:  Joomla 2.5 is the recommended version for most existing sites and will remain so for another year.

Read the complete post here..

Join Us for Final Bug Squish before Joomla! 3

Written by Nick Savov

Consider this your invitation to join us this Saturday, the 22nd of September, for the final Pizza, Bugs, and Fun (and Birthday Party!) before Joomla 3.0's release next Thursday, the 27th of September.  It's an all-day global event that's open to all virtual participants that are interested.  There will also be local venues wherever they are organized.  The key goal is to fix as many Joomla 3 bugs as possible before Joomla 3's release. 

This Bug Squish is a great opportunity for intermediate to advanced users to learn how to contribute to Joomla bug fixes within the community.  You do not have to be an expert coder or even a coder to contribute;  all we ask is that you are familiar with running Joomla on your localhost before the event and that you consider yourself at least an intermediate user.

Read the complete post here..

Joomla! Day Spain - September 28 - 29, 2012

Written by Isidro Baquero

The 5th Joomla! Day Spain is taking place in Mérida, Spain on September 28 - 29, 2012. This conference is the biggest Joomla! event taking place in Spain, and a great opportunity too meet many of this great community's members. A beautiful venue will welcome all attendees, that will be able to share knowledge about the modern CMS Joomla! while they admire Mérida's mighty roman theatre or any of the many other monuments of this great city (we even have ruins INSIDE the venue! :D ).

This year the event organizers have taken extra care not only with what will happen during the sessions, but also with what will take place before, between and after them. Because Joomla!Days are great events to learn and discover, but very specially to meet people. Ranging from a Guinnes record (guess on what! clue: food related) to typical spanish games, coffee breaks and lunch time will be as exciting as the sessions.

Read the complete post here..

Thanks to Pizza, Bugs and Fun Participants!

Written by Andrea Tarr

Thanks to everyone who participanted in the Joomla! Pizza, Bugs and Fun this past weekend. Almost 50 people worldwide tested, coded and fixed bugs in Joomla! 3.0, helping to get it ready for release. A majority of the people participating were not in the Joomla Bug Squad so it was great to see so many different people volunteer to help. I'd also like to give a special thank you to Nick Savov for making this happen.  The fun may be continuing over the next weekend for those who didn't get enough of it yet...

Statistics over the Weekend

These are the statistics from the Joomla CMS Issue Tracker and Github for the period. Thanks must also go out to the people not on these charts including those who did documentation, those who tested but didn't have a login to the trackers and those giving support.

Read the complete post here..

What To Do When Your Disqus Comments Link To The Wrong URL

Written by Joe Joomla

Some people make changes to their website on a live production server. I prefer to work offline. I have a copy of my website on a localmachine server environment using MAMP. If you are not familiar with MAMP you can check these articles out. 

Working offline helps you avoid screwing up your production site if something goes wrong. I discovered this workflow doesn’t guarantee there will be no problems to your live site in regards to using the Disqus commenting system.

I got some complaints recently from people who clicked on my Disqus comments links after I posted notifications from my blog posts via Disqus to Facebook and Twitter.

Read the complete post here..

SH404SEF released

Written by Victor Drover

Today we are proud to announce the immediate availability of sh404SEF® 3.6.0 (build 1422), which is fully compatible with Joomla! 2.5. 

Release notes: Important release, lots of changes to prepare for Joomla! 3. Also now using a database and caching library, that can vastly speed up site if using memcache or APC cache server. Both for SEF url caching and for Joomla! general database operations. Adjusted Open Graph data tags to Facebook new documentation. Several mobile sites improvements. 

Changelog Updates for sh404SEF®

Read the complete post here..

Joomla upgrade 2.5.7 now available - 2 security issues resolved

Written by Victor Drover

Joomla 2.5.7 has been released.  Notable items in this build include 2 security patches for cross-site scripting attacks as well as a new feature allowing languages to be installed directly from the Joomla backend interface without having to download a language pack first.  42 items from the bug tracker were also addressed.

Full details can be found in the official 2.5.7 release announcement at  Since this release improves security, we recommend that all users perform an Joomla upgrade immediately.  A Joomla upgrade can be performed directly in the Joomla administrative backend. For users with multiple sites, we recommend updating all your sites from — a centralized site manager for Joomla.

Read the complete post here..

Read 3723 times Originally published on Monday, 24 September 2012 00:00
Last modified on Tuesday, 25 September 2012 09:00
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