
Interviews (18)

Interviews with central people in the Joomla community.

Mobile Joomla is the most popular mobile solution listed on the Joomla Extension Directory. The Joomla component optimizes the display and delivery of Joomla websites for all mobile devices. These days, Mobile Joomla is announcing a Pro version of their service, due to launch within a few days. The Pro version is aimed at professional users who want more flexibility in customizing and maintaining their mobile sites.

I had a chance to catch up with Ugur Kaner and Miikka Kukkosuo to learn more about the release of Mobile Joomla Pro.

This week, I have the pleasure of presenting an interview with Detlef Volmer.

Detlef is from Germany and is the developer behind the Joomla extension called JPodium. I've met Detlef several times and he's a great guy to hang around.

In this interview, he shares some of his experiences with the Joomla community and things he has learned from developing a Joomla extension.

Sarah Watz is the President of Joomla! User Association Sweden, and the CEO of Pixpro, a Joomla consultancy business in Stockholm, Sweden. Sarah is also one of the driving forces behind the new concept called "Joomla!Night". She organized the first such event, which took place in Stockholm in February 2011.

I've met Sarah at several Joomla events, and apart from her being a really nice person, I've noticed she's involved in several aspects of the Joomla project. In this interview, she shares some of her views on Joomla, the community and how you can contribute to the project.

In this video, Matt Thomas talks about his Construct template development framework for Joomla.

Matt won the J.O.S.C.A.R.S award at the J and Beyond 2011 conference for Construct.

Construct Unified is the first template development framework that works alike in Joomla! 1.5, 1.6, the Molajo Joomla 1.6 distribution, and Nooku Server, allowing for a seamless transition of your template. It fuses the power of Construct Pro with new features for unparalleled flexibility.

As with all versions of Construct, Construct Unified doesn't rely on WYSIYG editors or new interfaces. It provides a flexible and powerful foundation for the rapid development of one-of-a-kind templates. A few lines of CSS is all that is needed to create a unique template, expand it further by overriding the core layout and styles on a dynamic basis.

In this video, Alex Bremer of 3B Digital shares some of his insights on working with Joomla in an agency setting.

He also shares his view on the J and Beyond conference.

Alex runs 3B Digital with his brother Jack Bremer. The business is based in Battersea, London and currently employs 12 people.

In the wake of the Joomla! 1.6 release this week, there are a lot of questions buzzing around.

Among them are questions on how Joomla 1.6 will impact the Joomla Extensions Directory (JED).

I talked to Matt Lipscomb of the Community Leadership Team, and JED/JRD Co-Manager. He had some interesting thougts to share around the subject.

After the release of Joomla 1.6 GA, it's just natural to have a chat with the lead developer: Andrew Eddie.

Andrew has been with the Joomla project since the Mambo days and has been leading the Production Leadership Team for some time now.

I managed to get some thoughts from him around the release of Joomla 1.6. Read on for an interview with "Mr. Joomla" where he talks about the process leading up to the release, new features, and feelings around community involvement.

This week, I've been talking to David Hurley of They're the company behind the project management software JForce, which plugs right into Joomla! as a component.

Read on to get to know David and perhaps learn something from his experiences developing software for Joomla!. 

When I was at J and Beyond earlier this year, I met Aarti Mahajan. She's not a Joomla developer. She's not a Joomla site integrator. She does not sell anything related to Joomla. She doesn't even use Joomla. So why was she there?

It turned out she's conducting the first economic study on Joomla ever. Read this interview to find out more about her exciting research project and how you can contribute. This is something that will benefit us all.

This week, I have the pleasure of introducing Marco Barbosa. Marco is a Brazilian working and living in Sweden, with a glowing passion for Joomla.

He's known to some of you as the guy behind Minima, the exciting new admin template for Joomla 1.6, as well as an active contributor in the Joomla UX group at

This week, you'll meet Hilary "Hils" Cheyne. She's a British web developer and an instructor of online Joomla! Fast Track Training Course at LVS Associates.

She's also involved in the site, as well as an active contributor to the recently launched Joomla Community Magazine.

Join me as we get to know Hils a little better.

This week you'll get to know Anthony Olsen from Melbourne, Australia.

Anthony is an active Joomla developer and designer with a minimalist style. You might know him as the founder of the successful template and extensions company Joomla Bamboo. He's also an active voice in the Joomla community. Both on Twitter, as a blogger and lately as a contributor to the Joomla Community Magazine, where he's the Design Studio editor.

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