Video: A talk about the Joomla! Forward initiative

Joomla ForwardThe Joomla! Forward is a community initative to move the development of Joomla forward. The initiative was started by Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos.

Yesterday, I had a chat with Nicholas, as well as Michel van Agtmaal about the Joomla! Forward initiative when I met them at the J and Beyond conference in Wiesbaden, Germany.

Nicholas writes on his dedicated website

The last major release of Joomla! was 1.5, made over two years ago. The code base is starting to show its age. There is an immediate need for a new release if Joomla! is not to lose anymore traction. However, there is a shortage of developers who work on the Joomla! 1.6 code base, in order to bring it out of the door any time soon.

Nicholas, who actually won the price for best Admin extension at the J!Oscars 2010, is doing a lot to spread the word of Joomla Forward. He realized that the only way we can move the Joomla! project forward is if the developers all around the world chip in and spend some time bug fixing and coding for the project.

During the first days after the announcement of the initiative, a lot of people signed up to contribute.

See the video below to hear Nicholas and Michel talk about Joomla Forward. They also share their thoughts on the J and Beyond conference.

I think this initiative is very important for the project, and an excellent example of community involvement.

Joomla is a business tool for many of us. Thus, we need to make sure we do everything we can to move it forward. For our common benefit.

Visit to learn more about how you can contribute.

Read 6135 times Originally published on Tuesday, 01 June 2010 08:00
Last modified on Tuesday, 08 June 2010 23:17
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