Video: Joomla Extension Finder

At J and Beyond 2012, the idea of a Joomla! App Store was discussed. Now, a couple of years later, we will soon see the arrival of the Joomla Extension Finder. Also known as "Install from web".

The Joomla Extension Finder is integrated into the Extension Manager in the Joomla administrator. You need to confirm that you want to install the Extension Finder plugin before using this new function. This also means you accept the terms of use for the JED (Joomla Extensions Directory).

When the plugin is installed, you can browse the JED from within your Joomla administrator, and install extensions with a couple of clicks. See the below video for more info on this exciting new and time-saving feature.

Read 12468 times Originally published on Thursday, 07 November 2013 09:31
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