Joomla blog posts from around the web (35/12)

Joomla blog posts from around the web (35/12)

Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 35:

• Joomla! Day Poland - September 22 - 23, 2012
• Pizza, Bugs, and Fun Sept 15, 2012, plus Birthday Party!
• Help Us Test Joomla 3
• Call for OSM Board Nominations - Sept 2012
• Watchful - Remote Updates, Backups and Security Monitoring for Joomla!
• Sponsoring and speaking at Joomladay Germany

Joomla! Day Poland - September 22 - 23, 2012

Written by Gary Brooks

What is it?

The very first Joomla! Day Poland is taking place in Poznan, Poland on September 22 - 23, 2012. This conference is brought to you by the leaders of the Polish Joomla! community with the consent of Open Source Matters. Joomla! Day Poland features a Business Day devoted to growing and developing businesses and the professional use of Joomla. The second day of the conference is a Community Day devoted to popular solutions for developing and designing websites using Joomla!   

Who is invited?

Anyone! Joomla! Day Poland is intended for Joomla! enthusiasts, developers, designers, administrators and users. Beginners and seasoned Joomla! users can gain from this event. It’s an opportunity to share ideas, techniques and knowledge and to meet professionals and members of the Joomla! community.

Read the complete post here..

Pizza, Bugs, and Fun Sept 15, 2012, plus Birthday Party!

Written by Andrea Tarr

We are announcing a Joomla! Pizza Bugs and Fun (and Birthday Party!) event scheduled for Saturday, September 15, 2012. The event is global for virtual participants with local venues whereever they are organized. There is always documentation that needs to be done as well. We say "pizza" but that could be any similar locally popular main course -- and be sure to get birthday cake, ice cream or stroopwafels as well to celebrate!  We realize that this is very short notice but we hope those of you who are available will join us. 

Our goal is to work on coding and testing issues in the CMS Issue Tracker. The coding will obviously require programmers to do, but you don’t need to be able to code to test. You will need to set your computer up to run Joomla locally (for instance, with XAMPP) and be able to apply patches. To do documentation, all you need is a login to the Joomla documentation wiki.

Read the complete post here..

Help Us Test Joomla 3

Written by Elin Waring

We're getting ready for the release of Joomla 3.0 and we appreciate you helping us find and fix problems as we work.

You can download a copy of the current codebase from Github. If you haven't done testing before here are some tips.

Don't delete the installation folder when you finish installing! While we're working we turn that security feature off to make it easier to test.

Go to global configuration and set Error Reporting to Development (that's on the server tab) and enable both debugging and language debugging (those are on the system tab). Don't worry when you see ** around words --that means Joomla translation is doing its job.

Read the complete post here..

Call for OSM Board Nominations - Sept 2012

Written by Alice Grevet

Open Source Matters (OSM) is entrusted with providing organizational, legal, and financial support for the Joomla! project. You can find out more about the organization at  Given those responsibilities, and the anticipated departure of two board members in the next two months, the decision has been made to expand the board once more.  We are looking for your nominations for new OSM board members.  We acknowledge that the greater worldwide Joomla! community can help us a lot in this election process, and make us aware of potential candidates we may overlook.

Nomination Information 

We are looking for up to three new board members. For one of the open OSM board member positions, we are seeking a person to become OSM's Capital Committee Team Leader.

Read the complete post here..

Watchful - Remote Updates, Backups and Security Monitoring for Joomla!

Written by JoeJoomla

It can be a daunting task to keep all your Joomla! websites up to date including the third party extensions. Each website is usually a unique mixture of components with their specialized functionality. Although you might only have a small number of extensions and plugins on any particular site, once you have many sites you have a long list of things to keep track of. For my websites I've done this by keeping a database record of each site so I remember which ones to login to when updates are required. It's far from a perfect solution and often a site will lag behind in an update. Now there is an easy way to monitor all your websites and be on top of updates and backups the way a responsible webmaster should be.

Read the complete post here..

Sponsoring and speaking at Joomladay Germany

Written by Myra

Joomlatools welcomes the last quarter of the year with the German Joomla community as they celebrate Joomladay Germany 2012. Join us on October 5-6 in the historical city of Berlin.  Tom and Johan will be presenting and sharing the latest from Joomlatools HQ plus some Joomla site development tips. As a bronze sponsor we will be presenting four hot topics in the Joomla world spread over the business and community day.

Joomla in the cloud

Today, the cloud is getting a lot of attention. But what is ‘the cloud’ and does it have anything to do with Joomla? During this presentation, Joomla co-founder Johan Janssens, takes you on a journey into the wonderful world of ‘the cloud’. Discover the internet of tomorrow and learn how you can use it with Joomla today.

Read the complete post here..

Read 2851 times Originally published on Monday, 10 September 2012 00:00
Last modified on Friday, 21 September 2012 08:44
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