Kristoffer Sandven
Kristoffer Sandven is a photographer, filmmaker and web consultant living in Oslo, Norway. He's the founder and author of JoomlaBlogger.
How to Solve a Problem with jos_session
Sometimes, you might experience your Joomla jos_session table going out of wack. This may result in your website displaying nothing but an error message.
Relax, I'll show you how to fix it!
The difference between Feed Display and Syndication in Joomla
If you're just starting out using Joomla, some concepts can be a bit confusing.
For instance, what is the difference between the Feed Display module and the Syndication module? What do I use them for?
Akeeba Backup and file size quota
As you might have noticed, my blog was unavailable on and off for about 36 hours a few days ago. Obviously, this is not something I'm happy about.
The reason for the down-time seemed to be some trouble with the mySQL server. It just didn't want to start. I tried everything I knew, then contacted my hosting company. They told me to restart the mysqld service (done). They then told me to reboot the server (done). After several more emails from me, describing the problem, I didn't hear anything.
Come the next day, I sent some more emails to the hosting company. Still no response. Around 1 pm, I called them. As it turns out, some other server in their hosting environment had been hacked and they'd been working on that one first... Doh! It took the support tech 2 mins to determine my disk was full!
How to fix $live_site missing error in sh404SEF
If you're using sh404SEF, you have probably seen the alert which says:
WARNING: $live_site missing from Joomla configuration.php file!
It stands out in bold, red letters - but what does it really mean? And how do you fix it? Read on for enlightenment.
How to upgrade Akeeba Backup

It's quite simple, really.
Read on for how to do it.
How to upgrade sh404SEF
I see that many people look for information on how to upgrade sh404SEF. This Joomla extension is a component, which means it's like an application inside your Joomla site.
Most Joomla components have their own tables in the Joomla site database. This is where the settings and data that the component uses are stored. These tables are (normally) not deleted when you uninstall the component. In the case of sh404SEF they are not deleted when you uninstall. At least that is how the component is set up by default.
Get Notified on New and Updated Joomla Content with SubmitMailer
If you're the administrator of a Joomla website with many editors and publishers, a constant challenge is to keep updated on who does what on the site.
The built-in notification features of Joomla 1.5 are not good enough as I see it.
Luckily, there are options available through third-party extensions.
Show off your Facebook following in Joomla
I set up a Facebook fan page a while ago. Now, I've put up a FaceBook Fan Box here at JoomlaBlogger.
This box displays fans of my Facebook page directly in Joomla. You can find the module in the right sidebar.
To put a box like this in your own site you have a few options.
When I first installed a Facebook module on my site, I had some trouble with it. I've now found another module which seems to work better.
TinyMCE Not Respecting Image Alignment and Other Settings
The recent upgrade of Joomla! to 1.5.12 included an update of TinyMCE.
The default settings might result in problems with image alignment and other parameters if you don't change some of them in the TinyMCE editor plugin.
Fixed a problem with SuperBlogger and YooGallery
If you have trouble using the YooGallery plugin from Yootheme with SuperBlogger, I found the solution after a little poking around.