
Displaying items by tag: joomla 1.5

I recently got the question: "What is the risk of not migrating my Joomla 1.5 site to a newer version?".

That's a really good question, as the task of migrating to Joomla 2.5 can seem like a daunting one. Nonetheless, there are several compelling reasons to migrate your site from 1.5 when it reaches end-of-life in April 2012.

First post on Smashing MagazineYesterday, my first ever article was published on the great Smashing Magazine web site. Smashing Magazine is an online publication about design, coding and all things related to web development.

My article was published on the sub site, which contains hands-on tips and tutorials on coding, server setup etc.

The article is called How to modify a default Joomla 1.5 template. In the post, I describe in detail how to take the JA Purity template of Joomla 1.5 and modify the header, logo and other elements.

The purpose of the post is primarily to teach users how to modify a template. How to discover where settings are hidden and what CSS and code to change.

JCE 2.0Yesterday, JCE 2.0 "Stable" for Joomla! 1.5 and Joomla! 1.6 was released. Ryan Demmer, the developer of JCE, extends a big thank you to everyone who helped bring JCE 2.0 to this milestone. 

Please note that "stable" does not necessarily mean bug free but rather refers to the end of the development process for this version. Ryan asks you to please continue to post bug reports and issues you find in the Forum.

Ryan will be updating installation and other documentation this week and will also be posting the first in a series of "Developer Walk through" videos soon.

Best of JoomlaBlogger.netI'm happy to announce that I've published my first ebook today. The book is a 48-page PDF featuring a selection of the most popular posts from this blog.

From the feedback I've gotten so far, people seem to like it :)

I hope you will enjoy the ebook!

Change the «Welcome to the Frontpage» title tag in Joomla 1.5When you install Joomla 1.5 or later, the default title for the home page is «Welcome to the Frontpage».

Many Joomla newbies have trouble changing this text. In fact, one of the most commonly asked questions for new Joomla users is 'Where is the "Welcome to the Frontpage" text?'.

Relax, I'll show you how to change it and make your site title into something relevant for your site.

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