Joomla business templates, November 2011

Joomla business templates, November 2011

Every month, each of the major Joomla template clubs release a new template.

In this post, I take another look at the premium business Joomla templates released. This time for the month of November 2011. The post is a bit delayed, as we are already in December, but the templates are worth looking at nonetheless.

There are templates from Yootheme, RocketTheme, JoomlArt, Joomla Shack and Shape5 on display this month. Enjoy!

Yootheme: Big Easy

The Big Easy

Yootheme BIG EASY features

  • Available for Joomla and Wordpress
  • 8 style variations available
  • Choose from 8 colors, 7 background styles and 8 fonts
  • 4 module style combinable with 4 badges and 6 icons
  • Custom styles for Widgetkit gallery, spotlight and lightbox
  • All Warp framework features are available

More info about Big Easy

RocketTheme: Enigma


RocketTheme enigma features

  • Joomla 1.5/1.7 versions
  • Sophisticated 8 Preset Styles
  • RokGallery Integrated Template
  • Powerful Core Gantry Framework
  • iPhone/Android viewing support
  • Rocket Theme Extensions Styling
  • Custom Content Typography
  • Fusion With MegaMenu & Splitmenu
  • Load Transitions
  • 72 Module Positions
  • 24 Structural and Stylistic suffixes
  • FFF, Safari, Chrome, Opera, IE7+ Compatible
  • W3C XHTML 1.0 / CSS Valid

More info about Enigma

JoomlArt: ja tiris

JA Tiris

joomlArt  ja tiris features

  • Running on T3 Framework Version 2
  • 8 color options
  • 4 Menu options: JA Split, JA Css, JA Dropline & JA Mega menu
  • Inbuilt Google Fonts configuration
  • Inbuilt CSS and Javascript Compression
  • Joomla 1.5.x & Joomla 1.7.x compatible
  • Cross Browser Support: IE7+, Firefox 2+, Safari 3+, Chrome 8+, Opera 9+ and other Standards-Supporting Browsers.
  • XHTML 1.0 Transitional
  • CSS Validates
  • Valid 508 Accessibility
  • Well-commented template_css.css and index.php file for flexible customization

More info about JA Tiris

JoomlaShack: jubile


JoomlaShack jubilee features

  • 14 Module Positions
  • 3 flavors to choose
  • 960 Grid-powered
  • CSS3 fueled
  • Built in Sliderman Slideshow

More info about Jubilee

JoomlaShack: Fresh


JoomlaShack fresh features

  • 30 Module Positions
  • 6 light colors
  • Multiple Layouts
  • Fast Loading
  • 960 Grid-powered
  • SEO-ready template
  • Multi-browser ready
  • CSS3 fueled
  • Easy Title Customization

More info about Fresh

JoomlaShack: Optimus


JoomlaShack optimus features

  • Free Version Available!
  • Joomla! 1.5 Native
  • Valid XHTML & CSS
  • Pure CSS Suckerfish Dropdown Menu System
  • 5 Bundled Color Themes
  • Enhanced Typography Styles
  • SEO Optimized Header
  • Dynamic Header Scaling & Sizing
  • Integrated Support for transparent PNG images
  • Graphic Source Files
  • Integrated Column Width Selector
  • Parameterized Template Widths Fixed 1024 | Fixed 800 | Fluid
  • 5 Module Positions in 4 Variations

More info about Optimus

Shape5: Compassion


Shape compassion features

  • Free Version Available!
  • Vertex Framework
  • 93 collapsible core template positions plus 4 mobile positions
  • 5 custom module suffixes
  • S5 Flex Menu integrated
  • Choose fluid or fixed template widths
  • Custom column, page and row widths
  • Mobile device support
  • Designed with CSS3 - Limited support for IE7 and IE8 through PIE
  • RTL language support
  • Drop down panel
  • 3rd Party Stylings for Tienda, Virtuemart, and K2
  • Google Fonts
  • SEO optimized
  • Hide component area on any page
  • Fixed tabs
  • Menu scroll to section
  • Site shaper available (Joomla install that includes demo data)
  • PSDs included
  • Multibox enabled
  • Lazy Load enabled
  • Tool tips enabled
  • 100% tableless CSS
  • View Current Joomla versions.
  • Validates with XHTML 1.0 Transitional
  • Validates with CSS Level 3 with browser specific calls
  • Compatible with the following browsers:
  • IE7+
  • Firefox 1.5+
  • Opera 9+
  • Safari
  • Advant
  • Chrome

More info about Compassion

Read 11704 times Originally published on Thursday, 08 December 2011 11:00
Last modified on Wednesday, 15 February 2012 13:51
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