20% off JoomlaPraise products (weekend sale)

JoomlaPraise iPhone sale

Kyle over at JoomlaPraise has gone above beyond when it comes to releasing Joomla! templates lately. The speed with which JoomlaPraise releases new templates is just stunning. And the quality just keeps increasing.

This weekend JoomlaPraise has a sale - get 20% off of all their Joomla!, Admin and Projectfork products that are optimized for the iPhone!

Only this weekend!

The products on weekend sale are:
  • AppPraise - K2 template made for selling iPhone, Mac, or any application
  • MobilePraise - Joomla iPhone template with its own iPhone cpanel homepage
  • AdminPad - Admin iPad template that's also optimized for the iPhone
  • Carbon - Advanced Projectfork theme with iPhone optimized cpanel
  • AdminPraise 1 - The original advanced Admin template optimized for the iPhone

Other free extensions:

Go grab a template today :)

Read 6618 times Originally published on Friday, 04 June 2010 23:39
Last modified on Saturday, 05 June 2010 00:03
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