Joomla business templates, October 2013

Joomla business templates, October 2013

Every month, each of the major Joomla template clubs release a new template. In this post, you'll get an overview of the premium business Joomla templates released during October 2013.

This month, templates from Yootheme, RocketTheme, Joomla Bamboo, JoomlArt, JoomlaShack, JoomlaXTC and Nuevvo are on display. Enjoy!

Yootheme: Capture


Yootheme Capture features

  • Full UIkit integration
  • 8 pre-built style variations available
  • Parallax background effect and Slideset Style for Widgetkit
  • Customizer with color picker and Google fonts support
  • Beautiful off-canvas navigation for mobile devices
  • All Warp framework features are available

More info about Capture

RocketTheme: Acacia


RocketTheme Acacia features

  • Joomla 2.5 & Joomla 3.1 Compatible
  • Responsive Layout
  • 8 Preset Styles
  • 88 Module Positions
  • 8 Styled & Numerous Structural Module Suffixes
  • RokSprocket Integrated Styling
  • Optimized for RokBooster
  • HTML5 Canvas Charts (Modern browsers & IE9+)
  • Powerful Gantry 4 Framework
  • DropDown Menu & Splitmenu
  • Custom Content Typography
  • FF, Safari, Chrome, Opera, IE8+ Compatible

More info about Acacia

Joomla Bamboo: Flux


Joomla Bamboo Flux features

  • Full bootstrap support
  • Flexible Layout control
  • LESS Compiler
  • A truly mega Mega Menu
  • Theme Magic themes your site magically
  • Your choice of module positions
  • Tabbed module layouts
  • Collapsible sliders
  • Google font support

More info about Flux

JoomlaArt: JA Magz

JA Magz

JoomlaArt JA Magz features

  • Fully responsive
  • Right To Left Language Layout
  • Supports EasyBlog
  • Featuring the new Section Menu
  • Grid view vs. List view
  • 10 bonus pages
  • 5 colors by default

More info about JA Magz

JoomlaShack: Impacto


JoomlaShack Impacto features

  • Bonus Typography Styles
  • Single-Click Layouts
  • Mega-Optimized for SEO
  • Beautiful Landing Pages
  • Four Color Packs

More info about Impacto

JoomlaXTC: Tribune Times

Tribune Times

JoomlaXTC Tribune Times features

  • Bootstrapped Framework
  • CSS 3 Enabled
  • Responsive Design
  • XTC Framework
  • Joomla! Quickstart

More info about Tribune Times

Nuevvo: Toreda


Nuevvo Toreda features

  • Beautiful outside, powerful inside, easy to use for everyone
  • Desktop, tablet & mobile friendly design
  • Two different styles for your frontpage
  • 3 product listing layout options for your store
  • Compact and expanded header option
  • A mobile menu made for e-commerce
  • Built for both K2 items and Joomla! articles
  • Cart powered by K2Store & J2Store

More info about Toreda

Read 11175 times Originally published on Wednesday, 23 October 2013 06:59
Last modified on Thursday, 21 November 2013 14:23
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