Introducing: Joomla 'Quick Looks'


As you can imagine, I get a lot of requests to review and highlight Joomla! related products on this blog. As much as I want to help people, I just can't find the time to do them all. With over 4000 extensions in the Joomla Extensions Directory and a gazillion templates around, it goes without saying that it's impossible to cover it all.

That's why I've developed the concept of Quick Looks. These are paid, one-page overviews of a Joomla! template or extension. The overview will feature a short introduction, some screenshots, top features of the product and the cold facts like price etc.

Quick Looks are not reviews - but give you an insight into the workings of the product nonetheless.

You are also presented with the option to vote for the product. If a product receives a lot of votes, I will consider doing a full review. That full review will be free for the developer, and will be a neutral review of the product. I like this way of giving you readers a choice in what you want to hear more about.

Why Quick Looks are great for you as a reader

Quick Looks are nice for you as a reader, as it lets you evaluate the product before buying it. Quick Looks will feature screenshots of elements normally found inside the product, or that you otherwise will have to dig into the developers site to find. Even though the Quick Looks are paid for by the developer, I will make sure that the information presented is sober and correct.

Why Quick Looks are great for you as a developer

Quick Looks are a way for developers to highlight their products on JoomlaBlogger. Your product will be introduced to tens of thousands of Joomla users which otherwise might not have heard about your product. It will be easy to submit an entry, and the price is reasonable. If you want buy a Quick Look entry, click here to read more.

Behind the scenes

Quick Looks are powered by K2 from JoomlaWorks. I've created a custom item layout and several extra fields to have the Quick Look entries appear as I want them to. When K2 version 2.3 is released (next week probably), I will add some more functionality.

I hope you will enjoy the JoomlaBlogger QuickLooks and that you will vote on the products you like the most. There might be a full review :)

The first Quick Look is for the AppPraise template from JoomlaPraise. Enjoy!

Read 5100 times Originally published on Wednesday, 16 June 2010 10:29
Last modified on Wednesday, 16 June 2010 13:20
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