Anything Digital has released a new version of the SEF URL component sh404SEF.
Today's release of sh404SEF (V 1.5.5) has a full set of settings to customize the layout of your page title (at least for Joomla regular content). The default values are the same as the those for urls, but now you can change it to your liking.
The new version also includes a new layout and most importantly the new "similar urls" suggestions section.
Customize your Joomla page titles
I'm happy to see that Anything Digital has responded to requests by users (including me). The ability to set the page title separately from the URL is, in my opinion, very important for SEO purposes.
What this means is you can have a title looking like this:
Article title | Site name
and a URL looking like this:
In previous versions of sh404SEF, the title and the URL where tied together. The current solution is more flexible, letting users customize the title and URL in a better way.
You can read the whole discussion about this matter here.
Better 404 (not found) page
The default 404 page has been improved. There is also a function called "similar urls", which will present the visitor with suggested URLs from the sh404SEF database.

Change log for sh404SEF version 1.5.5, Build 388 (2010-01-17)
- [bug] Aliases are not encoded before being displayed for editing. Results in corrupted data if some html caracters are present. Fixed provided by mouloud Tracker #1
- [new] Add separate settings for controlling page title layout for Joomla regular content. Also new setting for page title separatorTracker #70
- [new] Addeg support of TAG task in mosets tree plugin Tracker #3
- [chg] Typo in language file Tracker #55
- [chg] Main control panel : added reminder that attcks listed are those that were blocked Tracker #51,52
- [chg] General usage of joomla libraries for file access, in order to use FTP layer when activated. Not used for caching and logging Tracker #48 2010-01-11
- [new] RSS feeds are now excluded from similar urls results
- [new] Configuration of JCalpro SEF url plugin can be done now from control panel Tracker #40
- [new] Display warning if $live_site is not set in Joomla configuration.php file minor language changes for backend tooltips Tracker #27
- [chg] Refactoring of main utility class file [new] Added check in case user has Joomfish but turns its router off, would cause error Tracker #39
- [chg] Updated tooltips for 404 page selection : article must be published Tracker #38
- [new] Improved 404 pages handling : new plugin provides similar urls suggestions to visitor. Updated 404 page layout Tracker #36
- [new] Language strings added for Virtuemart "parameter search"
- [chg] New JPaginator object to fix pagination issue when number of items per page is missing in url Tracker #25
- [chg] Updated language in text displayed after installation
- [bug] Wrong language code added to custom urls if not entered by user Tracker #37
- [chg] Removed support files for old extensions : smf, fireboard, joomlaboard
- [chg] Better page title on pages 2,3,... of frontpage. Now titles are distinct Tracker #7
- [chg] Use category and section title instead of alias to build page title Tracker #16
- [chg] Wrong pagination when switching categories on Virtuemart pages Tracker #24
- [bug] Notice error when client has no User Agent string Tracker #35
- [chg] Wrong language inserted in meta tag on multilingual sites Tracker #22
- PHP 5.3 compatibility
- [bug] Excessive filtering of script tags in content Tracker #32
- [chg] Turn multiple h1 into h2 can break css, is now off by default on new installs Tracker #34
- [new] Added a workaround for homepage link going to default language when using Joomfish in non default languages (issue in mod_mainmenu)
- [chg] Added check to prevent conflicts between old-style joomla 1.0.x sef urls and current Joomla native sef urls when they start with component/....
- [chg] Updated built-in help page with respect to htaccess rules Tracker #9
- [chg] Removed unneeded code causing notice error on some sites, in shPageRewrite.php Tracker #8
- [bug] Notice error because of non-initiliazed "block" variable in shSec.php