Kristoffer Sandven
Kristoffer Sandven is a photographer, filmmaker and web consultant living in Oslo, Norway. He's the founder and author of JoomlaBlogger.
Joomla backup - how to set up a reliable solution
Last week, I published a post about my hard disk crash and backup problems. This is definitely not something I would wish on others.
Even though the hard disk was not recoverable (without a spending a LOT of cash), I was rather lucky. With emphazis on lucky! There was not too much information lost and I've been able to recover from the crash with minor real damage. It could have been a lot worse!
This week, I would like to focus on backup - what you can do to secure yourself from losing your Joomla web site.
Control Your Joomla Titles with Advanced SEO
Advanced SEO by CloudAccess is a Joomla extension that seamlessly integrates more flexible titles into your content items.
Featuring smart plugin architecture, the SEO extension provides high quality solution without hacking the core files of Joomla.
What's That Menu?
I get a lot of questions about the menu I use on this blog. Many readers like it and wonder if I've made it myself or if it's a component.
The menu is part of the YooTheme template I'm using.
More specifically it's part of the Warp Template Framework by the same provider.
Tip: Load Image Maps with LoadPosition
Recently, I wanted to place a quite complex image map on several pages in a Joomla site.
Normally, you would enter the complete code of the image and image map into every article where the map should occur. My challenge, though, was that the image map would need to be updated regularly. Thus, I'd have to create the image map in Dreamweaver, and manually change every instance of the map. Changing the code in every article (15-20 articles) is a tedious process, so I needed a simpler approach.
Ultimate Joomla Template and Extension Provider List
There are thousands of Joomla templates and extensions available on the market.
In this post you'll find a large listing of Joomla template and extension providers, and directories of the same. You'll find both commercial and free templates and extensions.
7 habits of successful Joomla users
Working with Joomla on a regular basis, you will inevitably develop some habits. And, most likely, some of these habits are good, others are bad.
But there are some habits common for successful Joomla users.
Read on for seven good habits for working successfully with Joomla. This list of habits will improve your experience with Joomla, and save you from hours of cleaning up after a mishap.
Tip: Shortcuts in Joomla Admin Saves Time
If you find yourself constantly clicking through the menu systems of Joomla to get to a particular place, I have a time-saving tip for you.
It's really quite easy to create a custom list of shortcuts you often use and place it in the control panel of your Joomla admin.
How to show the most relevant Adsense ads on your site
Making sure the most relevant ads show up on your blog or website might seem hard to do. Google decides, right?
As you will see from this post, there are several things you may do to help Google present more relevant ads to your users.
First of all, you can set a code in your template to show Google what part of your site contains the actual content. This is what Google calls section targeting.
Using the Flock browser to blog
This post is written using the blog editor in the Flock browser. I've set up the MetaWeblogAPI and the Real Simple Discovery (RSD) plugins for Joomla and configured Flock to work with this setup.
Having problems with SuperBlogger and sh404SEF?
There's been a lot of buzz in the Joomla! community about the new Joomla plug-in SuperBlogger from JoomlaWorks.
However, many users have had problems with getting the plugin to work with the SEF component sh404SEF. Now, the problem is located and solutions offered.