
Displaying items by tag: OSM

Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 8:

• K2 v2.5.5 coming out next week - now supported by 52 language translation teams!
• An open letter to the new OSM president
• Show / Hide a field in RSForm! Pro
• Forms for Joomla 2.5, v0.6.1 Released
• JoomlaPraise is now part of the 'corePHP' family!
• Last chance to save 40 percent on jcal pro and sh404sef
• Google Analytics integration with JoomlaShine templates for Joomla newbies

Open Source Matters announced yesterday that Paul Orwig was elected president of the non-profit organization that owns Joomla!®. Paul is known to many as the editor-in-chief of the Joomla Community Magazine.

He did the closing keynote at J and Beyond 2011 and is passionate about the Joomla project.

Today, Ryan Ozimek published an open letter to Paul, sharing some of his insights from his two years as OSM president.

joomla-week-39Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 39.

There's a really nice post about Joomla 1.6 caching and Brian Teeman talks about meetups at Joomla!Days and about the spending of Open Source Matters funds.

The October issue of the Joomla! Community Magazine is out, and PC World talks about eBay using Joomla, just to mention some of the notable posts from this week.

Have a great week!

Andrew EddieAndrew Eddie, one of the original founders of Joomla and a key developer in the project, has announced through Open Source Matters (OSM) that he will resign from his position in the project.

After the release of Joomla! 1.6 GA (General Availability), Eddie will no longer be a part of the Joomla development team.

Ryan Ozimek and Kristoffer Sandven (JoomlaBlogger)The keynote at J and Beyond 2010 on Monday morning was done by Ryan Ozimek.

In the keynote he talked about the role of the OSM (Open Source Matters), board in the Joomla! project. He emphasized that the role of OSM should be to support the community.

After the keynote I had a short chat with Ryan.

You can see the video of the talk in this post.

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