Joomla Blog Posts from Around the Web (week 39)

joomla-week-39Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 39.

There's a really nice post about Joomla 1.6 caching and Brian Teeman talks about meetups at Joomla!Days and about the spending of Open Source Matters funds.

The October issue of the Joomla! Community Magazine is out, and PC World talks about eBay using Joomla, just to mention some of the notable posts from this week.

Have a great week!

Joomla 1.6 caching demystified (Jennifer series)

Joomla 1.6.  makes heavy use of caching and to be able to use it's full potential we must first understand how caching works. As caching was almost completely redone for  1.6. (mostly by the author of this article), some older descriptions and typologies don't apply any more.

Read the complete post here...

Joomla 1.6. cache changes for extension developers (Jennifer series 2)

This article is a historical sequel to Using caching in Joomla extensions that was written for Joomla 1.5. I will try to merge and expand this in the third article - but for now here are most important cache changes in Joomla 1.6. that affect Joomla extensions developers. Also reading part one of this series is advisable .

Read the complete post here... 

Meetup at Joomla!Day

Perhaps the greatest things that has happened to me by being part of this amazing Joomla! community is that I have met so many people from all over the world.

Of course I'm not alone in that and probably every one of you reading this blog will have made new friends as a result of your involvement in Joomla!

Read the complete post here...

Thank You OpenSourceMatters

Several months ago the "new" OSM board published a set of accounts.

At the time many people in the community questioned the amount of money that was being spent on Legal and PR agency fees.

Read the complete post here... 

The October Issue of the Joomla! Community Magazine is Here

Get the scoop on the latest how-tos, created by users like you. Get up to speed with the community's latest exciting news, projects and events, hand-picked with you in mind. Got ideas or want to share your Joomla! news? We are always delighted when community members submit their articles and stories to be published in upcoming JCM issues.

Read the complete post here... 

What Do Microsoft and eBay Have in Common?

Sitting down in the wake of Joomla! USA West 2010 I've had a bit of a chance to digest what is going on. The event, held at eBay's own eBay and Joomlacampus, was the biggest JoomlaDay's in the USA. However I now come to the realisation that now both Microsoft and eBay share something unique and awesome. What does Microsoft and eBay have in common?

Read the complete post here...

Test Package for Version 1.5.21 Available Now

Two days ago, a security vulnerability in Joomla! was reported to the JSST (Joomla! Security Strike Team). In case you don't know how these things are supposed to work, security issues are normally kept secret until the fix is available for download in a new released version. That way, the bad guys don't learn of it until admins have a chance to upgrade their sites.

For reasons known only to him or her self, the person who reported this issue (ironically from an organization called YGN Ethical Hacker Group) decided to go public after only two days -- before we had time to code, test, and deploy a solution.

Read the complete post here

PC World: EBay Deploys Joomla for Analytics Portal

Bypassing a number of commercial portal packages, eBay has started using the Joomla open source content management software as a framework to provide its employes with analytic tools, the online auction giant said.

Read the complete post here

Read 5691 times Originally published on Friday, 08 October 2010 16:00
Last modified on Friday, 08 October 2010 20:15
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