joomla-week-22Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 22:

• Why Open Source?

• eBay Agrees to Acquire Magento and Joomla! eBay Update

• Zen Grid Framework Updated to v1.1.18

• A sneak peak at the Element Joomla Template

• Newstream Joomla 1.6 Template Released

• Interview with Ronni Christiansen from Red Shop

• Simpleshop Joomla Template ported to Joomla 1.6

• Avanti Joomla 1.6 Template Released

joomla-week-39Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 39.

There's a really nice post about Joomla 1.6 caching and Brian Teeman talks about meetups at Joomla!Days and about the spending of Open Source Matters funds.

The October issue of the Joomla! Community Magazine is out, and PC World talks about eBay using Joomla, just to mention some of the notable posts from this week.

Have a great week!

eBay North San JoseAccording to a recent press release, attendees at Joomla Day West USA will be the first to know about the latest developlment of the Joomla project.

The conference will be held on the eBay/PayPal North campus in San Jose, Calif., Oct. 1 through 3, 2010, and will provide open discussions and interactive sessions about the Joomla CMS.

Although the press release issued on September 22nd was a bit cryptic, it seems there is a big announcement coming. And as far as I understand, a positive one involving a large company.