Joomla blog posts from around the web (17/12)

Joomla blog posts from around the web (17/12)

Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 17:

• Ninjaboard 2.0 Beta Available For Testing
• Joomla guy invited to speak at DrupalCon
• Joomla! begins with a P!
• Google Summer of Code Students Announced
• An Idea for the Joomla 3.0 Editing Mode
• Poll: Where Is The Best Place For To Communicate With You?
• Zenkit - Responsive templates for K2
• J And Beyond 2012 is coming! Many gorgeous activities will be held
• JSN PowerAdmin extension has a positive review after the first week of release

Ninjaboard 2.0 Beta Available For Testing

Ninjaboard 2.0 Beta #2252 is now available on the beta channel.  No builds from the beta channel are recommended for production sites. Please don't install this on live websites, as it is still very unstable.  Don't install this unless you know what you are doing. It may break your website and your sanity.

Ninjaboard 2.0 Beta is installable and works on both Joomla 1.5 and Joomla 2.5. However, extensive testing has not been done and it is very likely that there are numerous bugs hiding just beneath the surface. Also note that Ninjaboard 2.0 Beta does not currently work with Ninja Content, so don't install those two extensions on the same website. A new release of Ninja Content that fixes this is forthcoming. will only working with the Ninja Content 1.6 Beta available here.

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Joomla guy invited to speak at DrupalCon

Written by Brian Teeman

For me open source is not just about the software it's about community and community is not just about people working together it's about sharing. And it's not just about sharing code, it should also be about sharing experiences, successes and failures.  The more open and transparent we are when we share the better for everyone. For me life isn't a competition it's an event and what better way to have a successful event than to learn and share from and with each other.

Some people might have been surprised to hear that I've been invited, and accepted, to be a featured speaker at the upcoming Drupal conference in Munich. My presentation in the community track is titled "Joomla! - Hippies, Pirates, Revolutionaries or a Distributed Community" where I'll be sharing my personal views on the successes and failures within both the Joomla! community and its leadership structure.

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Joomla! begins with a P!

Written by Brian Teeman

What's the first thing you do when you decide to build a new website? Do you download and install Joomla!, do you go to a template supplier and select your template or do you do something else instead?  Whatever your process, it’s time to step back for a minute, grab a Pencil and Paper and start to Plan.

You wouldn't dream of building a house without first drawing some plans and a website is no different.To build a successful website — and why would you want a failing website — then you need to follow these three Ps.  Whether you are designing your site in Photoshop or with a pre-built Joomla template, starting with a design first can be tempting but also very limiting. Until you have planned what you want on the site — what menu links there will be, the functions the site will perform, etc — you cannot truly know what will be a suitable design. There is no point in creating a stunningly beautiful parallax scrolling template if your final website will have hundreds of pages of content.

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Google Summer of Code Students Announced

Written by Elin Waring

Welcome to another Google Summer of Code (TM) (GSoC) update from the team! Back in March we were honored to be told by Google that we had made the list and that the Joomla project was accepted into the Google Summer of Code program this year.  Yesterday Google announced the eight students accepted to Google Summer of CodeTM for Joomla.

We’re excited about the projects these students have proposed and most of all about having these developers participate in the Joomla development community.

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An Idea for the Joomla 3.0 Editing Mode

Written by Steve Burge

Last week we gave you a glimpse of a possible new design for Joomla 3.0.  To recap some of the key points:

* Kyle Ledbetter and his Joomla Usability team ( ) are redesigning Joomla using Twitter Bootstrap ( ).

* Making Joomla 3.0 mobile-ready is a very high priority.

* The release of Joomla 3.0 is still over five months away and much work is still to be done. What you see here are ideas, but only ideas so far. Look for more information as work progresses.

* Head over to if you want to get involved.  Over the next few weeks we hope to have more ideas to share with you. This week the idea is an front-end editing mode for Joomla

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Poll: Where Is The Best Place For To Communicate With You?

In a recent Skype chat several of my Joomla! buddies talked about how the Joomla! project communicates with it's community. it was a lively debate and of course everyone had an opinion. A few good ideas came up along with some frustrations too. This is an important topic so I thought I would do a poll which is at the end of this article.

There are lots of Joomla! tribes out there. wants to communicate with you about events, updates, security issues, as well as the new things that come up from time to time. Where do you think the best place is to receive information? Take this poll below and I'll Tweet the results once we have a clear winner.

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Zenkit - Responsive templates for K2

Written by Anthony Olsen

Since the release of the Avanti Joomla template way back in January 2010, we have packaged an individually styled k2 template for each template released. In most cases re-using those k2 templates in other templates was a tricky process and success varied depending on your ability to read code. Zenkit is set to change all of that by providing a selection of standalone k2 templates that can be used in any Joomla template and easily transferred between templates.

The Zenkit templates make it easy to create complex and interesting layouts from your existing K2 content using the core K2 functionality. Using the Zenkit templates means that there is no longer any need to resort to using modules in your content when you really could just use a K2 category layout.  The layouts available include:

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J And Beyond 2012 is coming! Many gorgeous activities will be held

Written by Dao Ngoc Anh

Dear Joomla developers and site builders all over the world! I'm very glad to announce to you that there will be a gorgeous Joomla event taking place in May. Have you ever heard about this - J and Beyond 2012?Dear Joomla developers and site builders all over the world! I'm very glad to announce to you that there will be a gorgeous Joomla event taking place in May. Have you ever heard about this - J and Beyond 2012?this this

J And Beyond - What is it?

J And Beyond is not Joomla! Day. This is an international conference with attendance of developers and site builders from all around the world. It will be take place in May 18th to 20th in Bad Nauheim, Germany.

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JSN PowerAdmin extension has a positive review after the first week of release

Written by Bui Thi Mo

After the release of JSN PowerAdmin a week ago, the JoomlaShine team is very happy to receive a lot of positive feedback from Joomla! users. All of them find JSN PowerAdmin helpful for their sites. It’s really a big motivation for the JoomlaShine team since we truly want to contribute more to the Joomla! community.  No more waiting, let’s scroll down to those nice words...


We are truly glad to receive some really cool comments from JoomlaWorks, one of most popular extension providers for Joomla!

Read the complete post here..

Read 5623 times Originally published on Tuesday, 01 May 2012 00:00
Last modified on Friday, 04 May 2012 09:12
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