Winners of the first J!Oscars announced at J and Beyond 2010!

J!OscarsToday, the J!Oscars, or the first ever global «Joomla Open Source Creative and Artistic Recognition» awards were held held at the J! and Beyond conference in Wiesbaden, Germany.

The event was led by Brian Teeman and Johan Janssens, both co-founders of Joomla!. Brian actually planned to have a Eurovision Song Contest-like voting process. But as there are 27 countries represented here at the moment, it would last all night (just as the ESC) ;)

To the cheers from the crowd, the winners were announced one after eachother. Johan picked one representative from each country to present the awards, which I found was a nice touch.

The winners in each category are:

The Shortlist

Web Site Community

Web Site Non-Profit

Our South African friends with their non-profit web site award


Web Site Corporate

Web Site Blog


Brian Teeman and the guys from JoomlaWorks

Module or Plugin

Administrator only extension

Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos receiving the award


Commercial Template

Free Template

Forum Junkie

Code Junkie

Blog Junkie

Documentation Junkie

Special awards

In addition to these nominated categories there were two additional "Special Awards" for:

Joomla! Innovation of the year

  • FlexiContent


Emmanuel Danan receiving the award for Innovation of the year


Outstanding personal achievement

  • Peter von Westen


The special awards jury


Congratulations to all winners!
Read 8385 times Originally published on Monday, 31 May 2010 20:23
Last modified on Monday, 31 May 2010 21:33
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