Great News About the Future of sh404SEF

sh404sef-logoI was very happy to read todays update from Yannick Gaultier about the future of sh404SEF.

It seems he's talking with a "well established Joomla company" and I hope we'll see the continuation of sh404SEF in this company. With Yannick on board as the main developer. That's great news, Yannick - and for the rest of the Joomla community it's pure bliss :)

Here's the complete post from Yannick:

First, I'd like to say I am 100% overwhelmed by the number of incredibly nice comments on posts and various emails I got since the announcement of last monday. Let me thank you all who have taken the time to come here and other places and post thankfull and positive comments on all that was done over the last few years.

Among all the messages I received, some of them were offers to help in providing a long term solution to sh404sef development and support and I'd also like to thank all the people who sent such proposals.

As hinted in my last post, I do want to continue sh404sef development, for

  1. I like it very much,
  2. Istill have many ideas to enhance it,
  3. I do not want to let down its many users.

Yet, I cannot spend the required free time anymore. However, I can now announce that I am talking with a well established Joomla company, and we should very shortly find an agreement allowing sh404sef to continue to exists and, of course, expand in the future, with me as main developer. There are still a few details that need to be worked out, but we can consider this a done deal and that's why I am annoucing it today.

Over the week-end I will start preparing for the move. Within 2-3 days, we will finalize the details of the new organization and I will post again to keep you updated.

I'd like to add that I was really afraid the extension would just disappear though it is so much widely used (FYI : Honestly, I am relieved that I could find a continuation solution so quickly, one that will allow me to make new versions of the software, something I have not been able to do for most of 2009 basically.

We'll be in touch :)


Read 5518 times Originally published on Saturday, 29 August 2009 00:30
Last modified on Saturday, 31 October 2009 11:09
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