Displaying items by tag: extensions

The addition of Search Friendly (SEF) URLs will add greatly to your site in terms of search engine visibility.

In this tutorial, I show you how to set up one of the most popular SEF extensions for Joomla - sh404SEF.

My favorite SEF extension for Joomla is sh404SEF. I have tried a few other extensions as well, but sh404SEF is the one I'm comfortable with and which best seems to meet my requirements. This tutorial will help you duplicate the setup I use here at Joomlablogger.net.

Top 10 Joomla extensions

Every Joomla user has their own favorite extensions. Still, there's a huge selection of extensions available in the Joole Extensions Directory. And the task of finding the perfect one's for you can be a daunting one.

In this article, I tell you which are my favorites, and why they make my life with Joomla so much easier.

joomla-logoWith over 4000 extensions available in the Joomla Extensions Directory, the task of picking the perfect one can be a challenging one.

I've written a few tips regarding how you can pick the right extensions for your use, and how to avoid trouble using them.

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