Contribute to the Joomla! project

Contribute to Joomla!There is a lot of talk about how you can contribute to the Joomla! CMS project. Joomla! is an Open Source Project, and it needs every one of us to grow and expand.

On this page, I have collected and will continue to add ways for you to contribute to the Joomla! project. If you have anything to share, please email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or comment below.

First, read my article on this subject: Joomla! user? Contribute to the project! I wrote the post in June 2009. Most of this still holds true, so start there.

Contribute directly to the Joomla! project

Support the Joomla! project

People sharing their views on how you can contribute

Read 6088 times Originally published on Sunday, 06 June 2010 18:55
Last modified on Thursday, 13 January 2011 14:39
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