
Displaying items by tag: Interview

In the wake of the Joomla! 1.6 release this week, there are a lot of questions buzzing around.

Among them are questions on how Joomla 1.6 will impact the Joomla Extensions Directory (JED).

I talked to Matt Lipscomb of the Community Leadership Team, and JED/JRD Co-Manager. He had some interesting thougts to share around the subject.

In October 2009, I wrote a blog post about migrating a Joomla! 1.5 site to version 1.6. I gave it the ambitious title of Migration from Joomla 1.5 to 1.6 will be easy. And it probably will. When the script is ready.

However, Joomla 1.6 was released this week without a migration script in place. When I started to look at the state of this script, it seemed everything stopped back in 2009. Apparently, there was little interest from developers to create this script.

After some digging, I contacted Matias Aguirre, the one who started the original discussion around a Joomla 1.6 migrator script. He responded immediately, and I got some more info on the script. Matias has been working on a script called jUpgrade. It's partially working, but he needs help finishing it.

After the release of Joomla 1.6 GA, it's just natural to have a chat with the lead developer: Andrew Eddie.

Andrew has been with the Joomla project since the Mambo days and has been leading the Production Leadership Team for some time now.

I managed to get some thoughts from him around the release of Joomla 1.6. Read on for an interview with "Mr. Joomla" where he talks about the process leading up to the release, new features, and feelings around community involvement.

This week, I've been talking to David Hurley of They're the company behind the project management software JForce, which plugs right into Joomla! as a component.

Read on to get to know David and perhaps learn something from his experiences developing software for Joomla!. 

This week, I have the pleasure of introducing Marco Barbosa. Marco is a Brazilian working and living in Sweden, with a glowing passion for Joomla.

He's known to some of you as the guy behind Minima, the exciting new admin template for Joomla 1.6, as well as an active contributor in the Joomla UX group at

This week, you'll meet Hilary "Hils" Cheyne. She's a British web developer and an instructor of online Joomla! Fast Track Training Course at LVS Associates.

She's also involved in the site, as well as an active contributor to the recently launched Joomla Community Magazine.

Join me as we get to know Hils a little better.

This week you'll get to know Anthony Olsen from Melbourne, Australia.

Anthony is an active Joomla developer and designer with a minimalist style. You might know him as the founder of the successful template and extensions company Joomla Bamboo. He's also an active voice in the Joomla community. Both on Twitter, as a blogger and lately as a contributor to the Joomla Community Magazine, where he's the Design Studio editor.

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