
Displaying items by tag: JoomlArt

Every month, each of the major Joomla template clubs release a new template.

In this post, I take another look at the premium business Joomla templates released. This time for the month of March 2012.

There are templates from Yootheme, RocketTheme, Joomla Bamboo, JoomlArt, JoomlaShack, JoomlaXTC and Shape5 on display this month. Enjoy!

Every month, each of the major Joomla template clubs release a new template.

In this post, I take another look at the premium business Joomla templates released. This time for the month of September 2011.

There are templates from Yootheme, RocketTheme, JoomlArt, Joomla Bamboo and JoomlaShack in this summary.

halloweenAs you might know, Halloween is this weekend.

To mark the occasion, several Joomla template and extension providers have Halloween sales with good discounts on their products.

In this post I've collected a selection of disounts you can take advantage of. But be quick, they all expire on Oct 31st.

The template JA T3 V2 Blank comes with the clean HTML/CSS skeleton so you can start coding the style for any T3 Framework-based template.

View the source code to see the professional & semantic markups we have built for you.

And that's 70% work of any Joomla template!.

The template JA T3 V2 Blank comes with the clean HTML/CSS skeleton so you can start coding the style for any T3 Framework-based template.

View the source code to see the professional & semantic markups we have built for you.

And that's 70% work of any Joomla template!.

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