
Earlier this week, I explained how to add a link to a PDF file to an article by using the Joomla core installation. This time around, I will show you how to accomplish the same using the File Manager plug-in for JCE.

Using the JCE File Manager makes the job a lot easier. The File Manager is a plug-in to the very popular Joomla Content Editor. The plug-in is part of the package you get when subscribing. JCE itself is free, but the File Manager, Media Manager, Image Manager Extended and some other plug-ins are paid.

In my opinion, these plug-ins are well worth the subscription price, which is starting at $30 for a year (renewals from $20/year).

A common task many web site owners do regularly, is to add PDF files or other documents to their articles. In this post, you will learn how to add a link to a PDF or any other document file to a Joomla article. I will explain how you can do this using a basic Joomla installation. In a separate article, I will show you how to insert a PDF file into a Joomla article using the JCE File Manager plug-in.

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