Yesterday, the first Alpha version of Joomla 3.0 was released. The Alpha version is aimed at developers so they can start testing their extensions. The stable version is planned for release on September 24th 2012.

Read on to learn more about Joomla 3.0. What will mean to you, do you need to upgrade and how will the project get there?


After Kyle Ledbetter left JoomlaPraise a while ago to start TapTheme, he's been busy building admin and mobile templates for Joomla.

His latest offering is the TapTheme Android template for Joomla. The template gives the user a customized experience when surfing your site from an Android phone.

Using a free plug-in, the template is automagically loaded when visited by an Android handset.

This week, I have the pleasure of introducing Marco Barbosa. Marco is a Brazilian working and living in Sweden, with a glowing passion for Joomla.

He's known to some of you as the guy behind Minima, the exciting new admin template for Joomla 1.6, as well as an active contributor in the Joomla UX group at