
Track visitor behavior with Crazyegg heatmaps (and 2 Joomla plug-ins)

crazyeggCrazyEgg allows you to track your users clicks on a website. This is especially useful when analysing page layouts and the effectiveness of page elements to call a user to an action.

The way crazyegg works is different from Google Analytics and other tracking software. It gives you visual aids to determine the correct placement of elements on a page.

I use Crazyegg to find out where people click, what elements are used by them and if people find particular menu items and links. On this site, I’ve utilized Crazyegg to determine the placement of the large ad and tabs in the right hand column, to mention some.

I particularly like the heatmaps available in Crazyegg. They really provide a useful visual representation of your site.

To ease the integration between Joomla and Crazyegg, there are now several free Joomla plug-ins available. Read more below.

Part of the crazyegg dashboard

Crazyegg Joomla plug-ins

These plug-ins allow for the easy integration of the tracking JavaScript into your Joomla website. Saves you from messing with the Joomla templates.

You can choose from two different Joomla Crazyegg plug-ins:

Just download and install the plug-in, enable it, enter in your 8 digit account number from CrazyEgg and start your click tracking.


Crazyegg is a great tool if you want to learn more about how people use your website.

But why just take my word for it? Lots of people love Crazyegg, and here’s some words from a guy who likes it just as much as I do (he’s just a bit younger and has more hair):

Why use Crazy Egg? from Daniel Delaney on Vimeo.

To find out more about CrazyEgg and its tracking capabilites, please visit

End note:
This article made quite a stir among a group of Joomla developers - as one of the developers thought he was being ripped off. However, it worked out fine in the end.
Read the full tale of Joomla GPL and extension rip-offs here
Read 39632 times Originally published on Tuesday, 04 May 2010 08:04
Last modified on Thursday, 06 May 2010 07:09
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