
Displaying items by tag: Skype

Cloud softwareA while ago, Anthony Olsen over at Joomla Bamboo wrote a blog post about the software he uses daily to manage his business and get things done. This post is my view on the same subject.

However, I want to focus on the cloud software I use. That is, the online software I use daily. During the last couple of years I have put more and more of my information into online services. It frees me from a particular physical workspace. Thus, I can leave my computer at home and be able to do most of my work on any computer with internet access.

This approach has several benefits as I see it. Backup is taken care of, you’re not locked to a particular computer and software updates are done in the background. Web based services are also platform independent, so I can access the same information from any computer with a browser. It's also a great advantage when people in your team are scattered across the country, or in my case, across the globe.

Skype is always looking to create a better user experience for their users. The developers of this excellent communications platform have created a plugin for users to install into their browsers. The plugin creates buttons on phone numbers which makes it easy to call directly, using Skype.

I recently discovered that the Skype plugin actually remove the phone number entirely on some sites.

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