Serving ads with

Serving ads with

During the last few weeks, readers have emailed me to ask what type of advertising extension I use on this blog. Actually, I'm not using a Joomla extension for it at all. Rather, this blog's ads are served using the service. is an ad network and service that helps you sell ads on your site. By setting up properties on your Joomla site, you can use the buysellads system to administer everything. That is, the sales page for the ads, how many ads are sold, receiving payments and more. After setting up an account, you can also buy ads through the network.

I have used a Joomla ad manager before, and got tired of how much work it was to administer the system. After switching to BuySellAds, I've sold more ads and I spend less time managing.

The sales page is automatically set up by BuySellAds. That is where your advertisers can see what ads are available, view stats about the site and buy ad spots directly.


The properties available:



The site stats will give your prospective buyers an overview of how popular your site is:


When someone buys an ad spot, you will receive an email from the system. You can then approve or deny the ad. If you approve it, the ad will be published on your site. takes 25% of the ad revenue your site generates. Even if that is quite a bit, I think it is worth it. The amount of time and frustration I save on using this system far surpass the costs. There are no monthly costs, which means you won't pay anything unless you sell ads through the system.

You can advertise the link to your ad sales page yourself. In addition, the sales page and your site will appear in the listings at That will put your site in front of thousands of prospective advertisers. Some of them might never have heard about your site before, so it’s a great way of getting additional exposure.

How to implement BuySellAds on a Joomla site

To implement the BuySellAds in your site, you need to add a snippet in the head section of your template. That is the code needed to load the ads.

In addition, you need to add the actual ad code where you want the ad to appear. You can use a custom HTML module to accomplish this.

See the blog post about adding Javascript snippets to your Joomla site to learn more about this technique.

This post is taken from a chapter in my recently published book Blogging with Joomla, which sells for only US$9.

Read 16901 times Originally published on Wednesday, 21 November 2012 04:59
Last modified on Wednesday, 21 November 2012 10:26
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