
Displaying items by tag: MobileJoomla

Mobile Joomla is the most popular mobile solution listed on the Joomla Extension Directory. The Joomla component optimizes the display and delivery of Joomla websites for all mobile devices. These days, Mobile Joomla is announcing a Pro version of their service, due to launch within a few days. The Pro version is aimed at professional users who want more flexibility in customizing and maintaining their mobile sites.

I had a chance to catch up with Ugur Kaner and Miikka Kukkosuo to learn more about the release of Mobile Joomla Pro.

If you have followed this blog for a while, you know that I have promoted Joomla 2.5 and upgrading to it. The latest version of Joomla was released in January 2012. Soon after its release, it was announced that all major updates of previous versions would end in April of this year.

With millions of Joomla users need to upgrade their Joomla 1.5 installations. That's why some of the world’s top Joomla companies now have taken it upon themselves to work together to provide the opportunity of a lifetime for one lucky Joomla user.

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