
Joomla blog posts from around the web (7/12)

Joomla blog posts from around the web (7/12)

Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 7:

• Forms for Joomla 2.5 Discount
• Introducing the Lifestyle Joomla template
• Learning Joomla from blog posts in the website "JOOMLABLOGGER.NET"

Forms for Joomla 2.5 Discount

Ok some eagle eyed visitors have noticed that the special offer for bfForms for Joomla 2.5.x has continued past the midnight expiration – simple answer was that I went on holiday and forgot to take down the special offer page – and now I can’t from my holiday destination because the sFTP Port is firewalled on the free wifi – so if you have been hanging on – quickly grab bfForms for Joomla 2.5.x for only £7.99 before I return from my holiday and expire this offer.

Read the complete post here..

Introducing the Lifestyle Joomla template

Written by  Anthony Olsen

Earlier this week I released the Lifestyle Joomla template - a new responsive Joomla template. If you haven't seen the demo yet be sure to check it out, and if you want to find out more you can read the feature overview and documentation page.     

If your subscription ran out in between January 1st and 8th February then you are entitled to get a copy of this template. Please contact us and we will let you know how you can get access to the file.

Read the complete post here..

Learning Joomla from blog posts in the website "JOOMLABLOGGER.NET"

Written by Dao Ngoc Anh

This post is particularly nice, as it is actually about my blog :) The people over at JoomlaShine have obviously enjoyed my site for a while, and has decided to share some of my most popular posts. Thanks, guys :)

When you want to learn anything, the first important thing that you need is to have a good book. You can go to a book store to find one, or search for an e-book on the Internet. In addition, there is another resource where you can get so much useful information- a well-known blog. Learning Joomla is not the only one. There are many Joomla blogs to support the user. One of the most useful Joomla blogs in my opinion is “”. Unlike a book, the website is always being updated with new and interesting information. You can take its most popular blog posts as your lessons for your learning all about Joomla. Well, let’s start now!

Read the complete post here..

Read 4417 times Originally published on Monday, 20 February 2012 12:00
Last modified on Friday, 17 February 2012 15:19
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