Joomla blog posts from around the web (5/13)

Joomla blog posts from around the web (5/13)

Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 5:

  • Languages in 3.0.3. What is new?
  • Top 5 Joomla World Conference Sessions
  • T3 framework has a new home plus a T3 roundup
  • Joomlabamboo featured on Joomla Beat podcast
  • K2 v2.6.3 released - new performance improvements
  • 5 Years and Counting!
  • Manos + JoomlaPraise = Theme Praise

Languages in 3.0.3. What is new?

Written by Jean Marie Simonet

Two new language features are added in Joomla! 3.0.3:

  1. Installation of language packs when installing the CMS
  2. Extension of items associations to remaining core components in multilanguage.

Installation of language packs when installing Joomla!

After implementing the installation of language packs through the Extension Manager since 2.5.7 ( See ), Javier Gomez completed his GSOC project by coding this new functionnality. 

  1. In the last page of installation, a new choice is proposed to install language packs

Read the complete post here..

Top 5 Joomla World Conference Sessions

Written by JJ Tweets

One of my favourite movies from 2000 was High Fidelity. In that flick John Cusack laments his “Top 5” breakup songs. So in the spirit of High Fidelity I would like to declare my Top 5 list from the Joomla World Conference 2012 sessions. 

I only saw a small number of sessions in person while I was there from the 60 plus sessions of the event. This top 5 list is actually my top 5 right now list until I get all the way through the videos posted from the event. My list is a good one so far. It will take a pretty good session to bump any of these off the list. So here we go…

Read the complete post here..

T3 framework has a new home plus a T3 roundup

Written by Anthony Olsen

As a step towards making the T3 framework a non-club specific Joomla template framework the T3 framework has been moved to it's very own domain. 

The T3 Framework site will under go a bit of transformation in the next few months as we start to flesh out new documentation for site builders and developers, and start to share what is possible with this framework.

Moving towards an independent framework.

New name spaces.

The Joomlart team have also been working over time in making T3 a truly independant project and so in the next major release - v1.1 - all previously namespaced markup using the Ja- prefix will be removed.

Read the complete post here..

Joomlabamboo featured on Joomla Beat podcast

Written by Anthony Olsen

Last weekend I had the pleasure of sitting down with Peter Bui from PB Web Dev to record an episode of his new(ish) podcast all about Joomla. In this Joomla Beat episode we talk about our shift to T3 and some of the background behind that change, plus a few other bits and pieces. There is a little coupon action at the end of the podcast as well.

If you are in the mood for a little weekend Joomla listening then this may be the perfect way to get yoour Joomla fix.

Read the complete post here..

K2 v2.6.3 released - new performance improvements

Written by Fotis Evangelou

K2 version 2.6.3 is now available to download or update, bringing a slight speed boost as well. To quickly sum things up, aside the performance improvements, we're adding jQuery 1.9 support, better transliteration for Joomla! 2.5 & 3.0, Joom!Fish 2.5 compatibity and some SEF router improvements.

For the impatient, grab the update here: 

If you are on Joomla! 1.5, grab the zip file from the link above and install it on top of your existing K2 version. If you are on Joomla! 2.5 or 3.0, go to the Joomla! update manager, purge the update cache, re-check and you'll see the new release available to instantly update. If you are on Joomla! 1.6 or 1.7 then someone probably cut off your internet connection a year ago: upgrade to 2.5 now!

Read the complete post here..

5 Years and Counting!

Written by Cory Webb

It was this day 5 years ago that I quit my full time job to start Cory Webb Media, and what a ride! Rather than write paragraph after paragraph detailing the journey, I thought I would touch on some of the milestones of the past 5 years:

  • Februray 1, 2008: The first day at Cory Webb Media
  • March 2008: Traveled to London for the first time to visit my first client
  • August 2008: I began writing my first (and only) book, Beginning Joomla! Web Site Development

Read the complete post here..

Manos + JoomlaPraise = Theme Praise

Written by Cory Webb

We are pleased to announce that we have recently acquired JoomlaPraise, one of our favorite Joomla template providers. We've been big fans of JoomlaPraise and their templates for years, and we are excited to have the opportunity to continue their tradition of clean, beautiful Joomla templates that are easy to use and easy to customize. 

As we mentioned in the announcement on the JoomlaPraise blog, we are changing the name from JoomlaPraise to Theme Praise. The main reason for this is that we would like to expand our offerings beyong the Joomla CMS. We still love Joomla, and we think it has a bright future with a lot of great companies producing amazing websites with it. We recognize, however, that there is a need for quality themes and templates beyond Joomla, and we see this as an opportunity to expand and to serve a broader community.

Read the complete post here..

Read 3155 times Originally published on Monday, 04 February 2013 00:00
Last modified on Friday, 15 March 2013 13:19
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