Joomla blog posts from around the web (46/12)

Joomla blog posts from around the web (46/12)

Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 46:

• Joint Leadership Summit Meeting
• What I want for Christmas
• Tools of the trade for 2012
• Zentools v1.7.3 released
• Hot Bloggity! Bamboo blog v4
• How upcoming changes may affect your Joomla upgrade schedule

Joint Leadership Summit Meeting

Written by Alice Grevet

On November 15, 2012, seventeen members from the three Joomla! leadership teams, the Community Leadership Team (CLT), the Production Leadership Team (PLT), and the board of Open Source Matters (OSM), from nine countries met for an all day joint summit meeting in San Jose, California.

Topics discussed include: 

TradeMark Update – a simplification of policy, language and processes is underway. The end of January 2013 is targeted for a revised TM policy. 

Capital Update - an aggressive goal has been set of increasing sponsorships by 50% in 2013, targeting $250,000. 

Scholarship - OSM will draft a plan to establish a system that can help fund project-wide, hard-working contributors, students, and others to attend events.

Read the complete post here..

What I want for Christmas

Written by Joss Sanglier

Okay, one last and very quick blog before this all quietly shuffles off this mortal coil and goes to join the choir invisible.  Recently I have been playing with Joomla, Joomla plus Seblod, Square One plus Seblod, a little bit of Drupal, a tiny bit of ModX and a bit more of a play with ProcessWire - a very interesting recommendation from Matthew Schenker.  Oh, and as a real interesting treat, I even had a play with Dreamweaver with the old developer tools; those things that used to be called Interakt.

The reason for the last is that about 8 or 10 years ago I created my own CMS (well, more article MS) using Interakt. It was very much designed for a particular job which was a news service with some community commenting.  Each article went through a very strict editorial process - An author wrote an article and submitted to an editor (at which point the author could no longer edit it), the editor would mess with it and might return it to the author and finally it was put on the "for publication" pile ready for either instant publication or for an edition since there was a weekly magazine component too.

Read the complete post here..

Tools of the trade for 2012

Written by Anthony Olsen

It's been some time since I've written about my web design toolkit, and in the last few months my kit has changed a round a little, so I thought it worth giving a little update to the apps I'm using to create our Joomla templates.  There are a few standard apps that will perhaps never change as I see them essential for any type of web development (especially on OSX).

Not much needs to be said here. I know there are alternatives for running a LAMP stack on osx but once you get your local server setup properly I don't think there is much benefit to using another app.

Read the complete post here..

Zentools v1.7.3 released

Written by Anthony Olsen

Zentools v1.7.3 is now available.

This update fixes a few key issues and adds some new functionality to the tweet tag field. More information via the zentools changelog.

Read the complete post here..

Hot Bloggity! Bamboo blog v4

Written by Anthony Olsen

Introducing ... the fourth major iteration of the Joomlabamboo blog!  The design of this blog has been in a much needed refresh for some time now. This is a soft launch, as we iron out some wrinkles, but based on the state of the old design I thought it was best to push a soft launch now and fill in the details later.

I've also improved the font size, line height and line width so you should find the text to be a lot more readable. 

Things still on my list before I consider it properly launched:

Read the complete post here..

How upcoming changes may affect your Joomla upgrade schedule

Written by Victor Drover

In the past few years, Joomla has shifted from an ad hoc to a time-based release schedule with a new version were released every 6 months.  The first two release are called Standard Term Support (STS) releases and are supported for 6 months.  Every third release in this cycle is called a Long Term Support (LTS) release. An LTS release is intended to be very stable and is supported until the next LTS is released.  This gives each major Joomla version a lifetime of approximately 18 months. For most users, a Joomla upgrade is recommend only from one LTS to another LTS.

While this is a great improvement over the earlier ad hoc release "schedule", there are 2 main issues with this approach:

Read the complete post here..

Read 3166 times Originally published on Monday, 26 November 2012 00:00
Last modified on Sunday, 09 December 2012 21:28
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