Joomla blog posts from around the web (44/11)

Joomla blog posts from around the web (44/11)

Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 44:

• Hiring a Writer
• Meet FILEman and LOGman
• Joomla SaaS – A Good Start for Joomla Newbie
• Top 10 most popular Joomla FAQs from newbies
• Languages: 1.7.3 improvements
• The Busiest Year Ever for Joomla!Days
• Proposed 2012 CLT Goals
• Proposed PLT 2012 Goals
• Community feedback requested on OSM's top 2012 goal ideas
• Important Security Vulnerability Fixed
• Premium stock photo resources for your Joomla website (Part 1)

Hiring a Writer

We are looking for a web content writer to help us run a group of regional websites.  The sites are major online resources for some famous places. covers one of the world's most famous hiking trails. and cover two of the most popular attractions in the state of Georgia.

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Meet FILEman and LOGman

Written by Johan

The team has been working hard on DOCman 2.0 over the past months. We realized that DOCman is basically made up of 3 key features: files, documents and logs.  Together, these three make up the core functionality. Instead of holding of until all three features are ready, we have decided to release them as separate extensions. We are very happy to announce today two new extensions to the Joomlatools family: FILEman and LOGman.


FILEman is our lightweight, simple, speedy and vamped up version of the Joomla media manager that features multiple file uploading and automatic thumbnail generation. All powered by AJAX, CSS3 and HTML5 making for a much more responsive user experience.

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Joomla SaaS – A Good Start for Joomla Newbie

Wriiten by Huyen

Joomla Newbie, I’m sure you are going to ask “What the hell is SaaS? Why is it a good start for me?” And I assure that you will be interested in the things I’m about to say, just as many of my clients were before.  SaaS is short for Software as a Service, sometimes referred to as “on-demand software”. That means the software is distributed as a service by some vendor or company over the Internet. To put it simply, service providers will create and maintain the software for you when you hire them.

So what is Joomla SaaS? 

Joomla - proudly known as an award-winning content management system - is a kind of software used to build websites. We call it Joomla SaaS.

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Top 10 most popular Joomla FAQs from newbies

Wriiten by Huyen

I have bumped into many problems while getting acquainted with Joomla so I have collected these 10 most popular Joomla FAQs with the hope that you - Joomla newbies - will learn it faster and easier.  Here they are: 

1. What is the difference between a template and an extension? 

2. Should I use Joomla 1.5/1.7 to build my website? 

3. If I switch to use another Joomla template, will the current information be lost? 

4. How to edit Joomla templates? 

5. How to place an internal link into an article?

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Languages: 1.7.3 improvements

Written by Jean Marie Simonet

A. Multilanguage 

1. In 1.7.1 was introduced the new Multilanguage Status Module: In 1.7.3, a necessary improvement is implemented: checking the status of the Contacts linked to an Author, as it is necessary to create a unique contact per author and tagged to 'All' languages OR one contact per published Content Language. If an error occurs, a message is added in the modal with the user name concerned (Thanks Marc Studer and Christophe Demko):

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The Busiest Year Ever for Joomla!Days

Written by Steve Burge

During the last year we've shared some hard numbers behind Joomla's growth. We saw that has grown 50% in 2 years and also that there were now 1/2 million forum users, 25 million Joomlacode downloads of Joomla and over 8000 extensions on the JED.  This weekend marks another important milestone: 2011 will be the busiest year ever for Joomla!Days.  The community have a done a great job listing all over the Joomla!Days that have taken place:!Days. The previous high was 23 events in 2009. This year there have been 21 events already and four more are planned for this week alone:

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Proposed 2012 CLT Goals

Written by Wendy Robinson

For the first part of the 2012 budget process, the CLT has come up with the following goals.

Goal #1: Final Rollout of the New Site Templates 

Task: Rollout each new site template as they are ready  Task: Open up a channel where people can provide feedback and report any usage issues  Task: Respond to reported issues  Target Date for Completion: As they are ready, between now and February 2012  Resources required: Volunteer time.

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Proposed PLT 2012 Goals

Written by Andrea Tarr

As part of the normal budgeting process, the Production Leadership Team has come up with four goals for 2012. Those goals concern releases of the Joomla Platform and the Joomla CMS, continuing maintenance updates, and outreach and promotion to a technical audience.

Goal #1: Complete four iterations of the Joomla Platform project. 

We will release new versions of the Joomla Platform in 2012. We will use PLT summits to discuss issues regarding the Joomla Platform and to examine and discuss ideas from the Joomla Ideas Pool, the Joomla Feature Patch Tracker and other sources. We will use these to announce a vision or theme for succeeding Platform release cycles.

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Community feedback requested on OSM's top 2012 goal ideas

Written by Paul Orwig

As part of the Joomla! project's 2012 goal setting and budget planning proposed process, the Open Source Matters board of directors (OSM) has come up with some ideas for possible top OSM 2012 goals and priorities. Those ideas are listed below. 

Now, OSM would like feedback from the community about these top goal ideas. Please take a look and then join the discussion on the JPeople site about OSM's 2012 top goals and priorities to let us know what you think. Which ideas do you feel are most important for OSM to accomplish in 2012? Or perhaps you have an idea for a new top goal that is not listed below. If so, please share that in the discussion as well! Please add your thoughts to this discussion by November 16, at which time OSM will begin finalizing its list of top 2012 goals and priorities.

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Important Security Vulnerability Fixed

Written By Andy Miller

A couple of days ago we were notified about a SQL injection security vulnerability in our Ajax-enabling RokModule extension. This extensions is generally not used by itself, but rather it enables Ajax for the following extensions for both Joomla 1.5 and 1.7:

* RokStock

* RokWeather

* RokNewspager

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Premium stock photo resources for your Joomla website (Part 1)

Written by TuanBA

Presenting professional photos becomes a daily basic need with web designing or blog writing nowadays. Picking up photos from Free stock photos is easy, but normally they come with restrictions of back links or limitations for printing purposes. To get high-quality photos with more privileges and fewer worries, you should choose premium stock photo resoruces. We create Joomla templates and Joomla extensions. These products need to be present for high-quality images to look more beautiful and lively.

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Read 4440 times Originally published on Monday, 14 November 2011 14:00
Last modified on Thursday, 26 January 2012 21:34
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