Joomla blog posts from around the web (31/12)

Joomla blog posts from around the web (31/12)

Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 31:

• The 3 Things You Need to Know About Joomla 3
• Joomla! Day Chicago Business Expo and Learning Conference - Register and Attend - August 10th - 11th
• 2012 goals and budget for the Joomla! project
• migrated to Joomla! 2.5

The 3 Things You Need to Know About Joomla 3

Written by Steve Burge

What is great about Joomla 3? Mobile.

This is the version that will bring Joomla up-to-speed with the mobile revolution that is taking over the web.  Why is this valuable? It's predicted that, as soon next year, more people will be online via their phone than a desktop. The mobile version of your site may soon be more important than the desktop version.  Joomla 3 is using Bootstrap to make sure that the visitor and administrator areas are mobile-friendly.  Joomla will become the first major content management system to be 100% mobile-friendly by default.

Who is Joomla 3 for?

Early adopters.  Initially, Joomla 3 is best used by early adopters, developers and more experienced users.  You will be able to build sites with Joomla 3 as soon as it is launched. However, as with the first release of most software, there's no need to rush in and use the first version.

Read the complete post here..

Joomla! Day Chicago Business Expo and Learning Conference - Register and Attend - August 10th - 11th

Written by Gary Brooks

The Joomla Content Management System is coming to the heart of America, CHICAGO! Come to the windy city and hang out with a whole bunch of Joomla users and experts. Learn the business of Joomla and more about what the world’s most amazing CMS has to offer.

What is the event about?

Joomla! Day Chicago 2012 Business Expo and Learning Conference is two full days of Joomla Content Management System fun and excitement.  Connect with others and learn from Joomla Content Management System users from around the world. This event is the largest Joomla Day conference in the United States this year. This is THE Joomla CMS event to attend in 2012! Connect with entrepreneurs, business leaders, industry experts and visionaries to learn new sales, growth, and marketing techniques.

Read the complete post here..

2012 goals and budget for the Joomla! project

Written by Thomas Hampton

Continuing with the new elements introduced in last year's planning and budget process, each Joomla! leadership team (Production Leadership Team, Community Leadership Team, and Open Source Matters) has set major goals for 2012. This goal setting effort has the following benefits:

Allows our project’s budget to be a more effective tool for supporting the project's planned priorities for the upcoming year.

Allows each leadership team to better understand what the other leadership teams are planning to work on, which will improve inter-team collaboration and support.

Allows the community to be aware of goals and priorities for the upcoming year, which will improve transparency and openness and enable increased support and volunteer contributions.

Read the complete post here.. migrated to Joomla! 2.5

Written by Sander Potjer

When you visit you might not notice any differences, but last weekend the website was successfully migrated from Joomla 1.5 to Joomla 2.5. This fall Joomla 1.5 will reach the 'end of life' status and the version will no longer be supported by the Joomla project. So it is important to join us in upgrading your Joomla websites to the latest version this summer! 

You can upgrade your Joomla 1.5 website by using one of the available migration extensions in the Joomla Extensions Directory. Migrating the Joomla 1.5 core to version 2.5 is not that hard, it mostly depends on the extensions and template you are using on your website. Check carefully if 2.5 versions are available, if you can migrate the extension during the core migration or if you need to replace the extension.

Read the complete post here..

Read 4025 times Originally published on Tuesday, 07 August 2012 14:00
Last modified on Friday, 03 August 2012 16:13
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