Joomla blog posts from around the web (28/12)

Joomla blog posts from around the web (28/12)

Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 28:

• Developers: Joomla 3 is Coming
• What is Joomla? Video
• Open Source Matters First Quarter 2012 Goals Update
• Introducing a new responsive Joomla template
• Enhance your social SEO campaign by adding Pinterest to your Joomla web site
• Joomla affiliate program : make money online step by step
• 4 Must-have Joomla e-books for Joomla newbies
• Five Tips for Supercharging Your Joomla Business

Developers: Joomla 3 is Coming

Written by Nick Savov

Joomla! 3 is only three months away from its launch. This is an official call-to-action for extension developers for both testing and giving feedback on the new Joomla! user interface (JUI). 

The Joomla! User Experience (JUX) group is leading the way in the creation of the new user interface for Joomla 3, however more volunteers are needed. This is a great opportunity for the Joomla developer community to give feedback about improving the user interface and about which elements are missing. So put on your thinking caps and let's make Joomla easier, faster, more intuitive and more fun!

The tentative plan for the Joomla 3 release schedule is as follows:  12 July: 3.0.0_Alpha1 (Released) -- Alpha1 contains only the new 12.2 platform version, but does not contain new features. This release is targeted to third-party extension developers to test their extensions with the new 12.2 platform.

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What is Joomla? Video

Written by Steve Burge

Joomla is a wide world. It encompasses everything from great software to huge popularity and from community events to open source values.  Claes Norin and his team from have done a wonderful job in explaining Joomla in just two minutes.  This video was debuted at JandBeyond in Germany this year.  You're welcome to use the video for your sites and for your marketing of Joomla. Just click Share in the top-right of the video to use it wherever you wish.

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Open Source Matters First Quarter 2012 Goals Update

Written by Paul Orwig

The final part of the 2012 goal setting/budget planning process suggests that each leadership team publish quarterly updates on progress for each of their major goals. Following through on this part of the process is important-it promotess increased openness and transparency, it strengthens accountability and trust between the project's leadership and the community, and it recognizes the volunteer contributors who are the most important resource for our project's continued growth and success.

Here is a summary of progress that was made during the first quarter for Open Source Matters' (OSM) four major 2012 goals, along with the names of key contributors for each of the items. Sincerest thanks go out to everyone who contributed to the progress that was made on these goals during the first quarter!  Steady progress on these goals has continued during the second quarter, and we hope to publish a blog with those updates by August 1.

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Introducing a new responsive Joomla template

Written by Anthony Olsen

And now we return you to your normally schedule program ... 

The Intrepid Joomla template is our first template release in the last two months.  I explained in this blog some of the reasons why we had fallen behind schedule and despite my best efforts, my estimate regarding Intrepid's release date proved to be a little optimistic.  So in an effort to draw the proverbial line in the sand that I spoke so valiantly about, Intrepid is now our July template release and all members have been given an extra two months to compensate for skipping the previous two months.  With this revised schedule we will have the August template release available in the first week of August and thus we will be back on track to release all future templates within the first week of the month.  

And so what about Intrepid?

Well I'm glad you asked ... Intrepid is the latest of our responsive Joomla templates that has a tonne of intelligent browser scaling and switching that will make your clients love you and keep you fixated on resizing your browser when developing your site.  The Intrepid Joomla template is a stylish mix of business, blog, news portal and gallery rolled into one with all of the power and flexibility of our Zen Grid Framework, Zentools and Zenkit power tools.

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Enhance your social SEO campaign by adding Pinterest to your Joomla web site

Written by Victor Drover

With over 8 million users, Pinterest — the image-sharing web site that allows users to Pin images to a user's activity stream — is now the third most popular social network and thus represents an excellent new opportunity for web site owners to improve their rank on a search engine results page or SERP.  As with Facebook and Twitter, Pinterest allows you to install a Pin it button on your web site — similar to the Tweet This and Like buttons to which we are all now accustomed — to make sharing your images fast and easy.  By placing a Pin it button on your web site, you provide another way for folks to share your content with their followers. For your Joomla SEO campaign, the act of sharing the content itself — in the case of Pinterest, image sharing — has a number of SEO-related benefits.

Pinterest sharing enhances Joomla SEO

First, when a site visitor Pins your image, it creates a backlink to your site. Backlinks are an important part of nearly every professional SEO campaign and research shows that Pinterest is a reasonable way to generate backlinks. When Google indexes, the backlinks it finds to your web site will give you SEO boost.  Pinning an image also sends a social signal to Google and other search engines that the content is noteworthy.  If you are building a new brand or you are targeting less-competitive keywords, even a few Pins can make a difference in the placement of your site on a SERP.

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Joomla affiliate program : make money online step by step

Written by Huyen

There are many ways to make money online with Joomla; one of them is by joining a Joomla affiliate program.  You just need to register an account, promote a Joomla product and the money will roll right in. It sounds attractive, right? I know that some of you might want to be an affiliate to make money online. So now, let's get some behind-the-screen secrets revealed.

An affiliate program

An affiliate program is an arrangement in which an online merchant website pays affiliates a commission to send them traffic or get people to buy their products. This agreement is usually based on the number of people the affiliate sends to the merchant's site, or the number of people they send to make a purchase or perform some other actions. There are at least three parties in an affiliate program transaction:

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4 Must-have Joomla e-books for Joomla newbies

Written by Dao Ngoc Anh

6 month ago, I was a Joomla newbie and had no idea about it. I feel that that time was really difficult because I had to learn about something that I've never even heard of before. How to get started and where? Finally, I found it very useful to study with a book, because in a book, all the chapters are put in a logical order from simple to complex. So, Joomla beginners will know the way to work with Joomla as well as apply what they have studied to build a complete website from scratch easier. That's what I want to bring you today; the best Joomla e-books especially for newbies!

1. "Joomla 2.5 - Beginner's Guide"     

Type: Free    

Version: Joomla 2.5

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Five Tips for Supercharging Your Joomla Business

Written by Luke

Unless you are on top of the marketing world, there’s a good chance that you have not herd of inbound marketing and don’t know the power it has to drive traffic and leads to your business.  Additionally, it can be really easy to get caught up in the day to day of Joomla web design and development and let your marketing strategy fall by the wayside.  Whatever the case, in this blog we will examine some of the key inbound marketing tips that will help you build your Joomla business.

Tip 1: Powerful Call to Actions (CTA)

A call to action is some sort of graphic or text which encourages the visitor to click and move on to the next step. Each CTA should be targeted towards a specific user and speak directly to them on how your product or service solves a problem they have. The text should be actionable and powerful and geared towards them taking the visitor to the next step of the process. Place your call to actions in highly visible areas of your website, almost as if they are a banner ad.

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Read 3871 times Originally published on Monday, 16 July 2012 00:00
Last modified on Friday, 20 July 2012 14:23
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