
Joomla blog posts from around the web (26/12)

Joomla blog posts from around the web (26/12)

Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 26:

• Looking for Help with the Joomla 3 Launch
• OSM Goals for 2012
• Joomla 2.5.5 and 2.5.6 upgrade is now available
• Josetta 1.2.4 released

Looking for Help with the Joomla 3 Launch

Written by Steve Burge

Hi Everyone,  We're starting to prepare for the Joomla 3 launch which will happen in mid-September.  We're looking for your help in 7 different areas:





Writing and blogging    

Outreach to developers    

Working with the Joomla 3 development team

Read the complete post here..

OSM Goals for 2012

Written by Alice Grevet

In November 2011, OSM proposed a 2012 goal setting and budget planning process. The purpose of the process was twofold: to help the leadership teams clarify their goals and objectives, and to provide the community with an opportunity to give feedback. 

After publishing a list of goal ideas and receiving feedback from the community, OSM agreed on the following four top goals for 2012: 

Goal #1: Simplify Trademark rules and team processes     

Launch Trademark implementation of Help Desk software (September 2012)    

Publish simplified Trademark rules and processes (December 2012)

Read the complete post here..

Joomla 2.5.5 and 2.5.6 upgrade is now available

Written by Victor Drover

In the last 2 weeks two important Joomla upgrades have been released.  Together, version 2.5.5 and 2.5.6 address 125 issues from the bug tracker, adds 11 new features and patches two security issues.  The security issues consist of a medium priority privilege escalation and a low priority information disclosure.  Of the new features, two are notable for most end users.

Joomla upgrade adds ability to change username

First is the ability to control whether or not a user can change their username when editing their profile in the frontend.  As you can see below, there is now an option in the User Manager to explicitly allow or disable feature depending on the needs of the site.

Read the complete post here..

Josetta 1.2.4 released

Written by Ron van Schaik

Today we are proud to announce the immediate availability of Josetta 1.2.4 build 350, which is fully compatible with Joomla! 2.5!  This is a maintenance release.  Release notes: Maintenance release. Improved frontend user interface. A couple bug fixes for Joomfish importer, for sites with 3 and more languages  Changelog Updates:

Read the complete post here..

Read 3992 times Originally published on Friday, 29 June 2012 10:29
Last modified on Thursday, 12 July 2012 20:38
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