Joomla blog posts from around the web (19/12)

Joomla blog posts from around the web (19/12)

Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 19:

• Registered JUG changes
• See you at the CMS Expo 2012
• bfForms v0.6.3 new version released
• Dutch Joomladays 2012 Impressions
• A quick peek at the Intrepid Joomla template
• Josetta 1.2.2 released
• How to convert Joomla 1.5 template to Joomla 2.5 template
• Free Joomla 2.5 extensions to connect to social media
• K2 v2.5.7 released - introduces JSON & JSONP content output
• Mobile Joomla! Showcase – Sandvikengården Youth Camp of Sweden
• Version 12.1 of the Joomla Platform released
• Pre-Event Party
• Streaming Live from JAB12

Registered JUG changes

Written by Liam Mandville

The Registered Joomla User Group team are pleased to announce that we are making some changes to enhance the relationship between the team and JUG coordinators.

* We have made a gallery page for the people in the team know who we are and what their special skills are.

* We are tweaking the JUG directory to ensure it stays up to date and is easier to handle that includes removing the deadwood and locating JUGs who have lost their way a bit.

* The rules are being translated to native languages similar to the German and Spanish ones already made. If you can assist in any way, please let us know.

* We will organise a regular JUG news spots and ask groups to have a general round up in the Registered JUG Google group. We suggest all sign up with the group.

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See you at the CMS Expo 2012

Written by Michael Pignataro

We are excited to be here at the CMS Expo 2012 in Evanston IL just north of Chicago. This expo we will be sharing a booth with our parent company 'corePHP' making some exciting announcements. Booth opens 5:30 CT tonight Tuesday May 8, 2012. We are here at our booth to answer any of your questions, share ideas, also give amazing deals to the Joomla community and so much. Make sure if you are here to stop on by and say "HI". But if you are not do not see this as a deterrent. Please leave your questions, ideas and more here on our blog. More amazing stuff coming from the JoomlaPraise team!

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bfForms v0.6.3 new version released

Written by Phil Taylor

This release addresses some small niggles that we had with Joomla 2.5.4compatibility as well as changing the access controls on forms, fields and actions.  This is an important step change to putting in full ACL to bfForms in a future version.  In the past there were three access levels, public, registered and special.  Now in bfforms we have Public Visitors and Logged In Users Only.  The full changelog is:

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Dutch Joomladays 2012 Impressions

Written by Myra

Tom’s talk on templating with bootstrap and LESS received rave reviews from the attendees. Doing more with {less} now has new meaning. Tom demo’ed LESS, the dynamic stylesheet language together with Bootstrap, a website template framework from Twitter. Check out Tom’s demo and other resources he used during his talk. 

Steven’s presentation on the magic of git for automating Joomla site deployments was a welcome addition to tips for worry-free Joomla administration. Say goodbye to FTP and hello to git. You can find Steven’s demo here. 

Johan’s talk on Joomla in the Cloud gave an overview of the various cloud computing models used as solutions for deploying Joomla. Definitely check out the slides as there are some hidden gems in there.

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A quick peek at the Intrepid Joomla template

Written by Anthony Olsen

A few days a go I dribbbled some screenshots of our next Joomla template which is due for release in the next few weeks. I really wanted to push a rich, corporate colour pallette on this one as well as play around with some noticeably different responsive layouts. 

I've seen some comment that responsive design isn't applicable for complex or intricate layouts. The more I work with responsive design I think that pretty much anything is possible. Of course it helps to have a nice responsive framework to sit underneath the design, but at this point, (and I might be proved wrong at some point) I think that most perceived limitations are self-imposed.  

Checkout the screenshots of the design below and let us know what you think. Not all of the details have been filled in (or finalised) but you can get the picture. Also the logo is just a little placeholder for the time being.

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Josetta 1.2.2 released

Written by Ron van Schaik

Today we are proud to announce the immediate availability of Josetta 1.2.2 build 329, which is fully compatible with Joomla! 2.5!  This is a maintenance release.  Release notes: This release introduces additional checks for the NEW! Joomfish exporter and importer which automatically recover original articles, categories and menu items from Joomla! 1.5.x Joomfish-based sites into native Joomla! 2.5 multi-lingual items.  Changelog Updates:

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How to convert Joomla 1.5 template to Joomla 2.5 template

Written by Huyennt

In this tutorial, we will show how to convert a Joomla 1.5 template to Joomla 2.5 template. We will take default Joomla 1.5 template "rhuk_milkyway" as an example and convert it to Joomla 2.5 native compatible template.

This tutorial covers only template conversion process, so it's assumed that you already have Joomla 2.5 website installed or converted from version 1.5.  There are 5 steps involved.

Make a copy all Joomla 1.5 template files

Edit files structure

Edit file "templateDetails.xml"

Edit file "index.php"

Install and test converted Joomla 2.5 template

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Free Joomla 2.5 extensions to connect to social media

Written by Tamnl

Not only for businesses but also for individuals, it's essential to show your social activities to visitors. You have written many helpful articles, and they're worth sharing. Integrating your Joomla site with social media channels will help you drive more traffic to your site and advertise your articles better. I've tested many Joomla 2.5 extensions and in this article, I am going to tell you about some of the best free social extensions that you need. Firstly, you should have a look at several types of extensions I will mention today, categorized by functionality:

Display your channels 

Add comments

Bookmark and share

Display social profiles

Login using a social network's account

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K2 v2.5.7 released - introduces JSON & JSONP content output

Written by Fotis Evangelou

Start your update engines! K2 v2.5.7 is now available to download.  If you're in Joomla! version 1.7 to version 2.5, you can update from 2.5.5 or 2.5.6 to this latest build directly via the built-in Joomla! updater. If you're on Joomla! 1.5 or if you use a version prior to K2 v2.5.5, just grab the zip file and upload on top.

There are no template changes since 2.5.4 so you can safely upgrade with no need to check you MVC overrides on your template.  This is a maintenance release. Compared to v2.5.6, we fixed warnings/bugs/annoyances/gremlins mainly appearing in Joomla! 2.5.

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Mobile Joomla! Showcase – Sandvikengården Youth Camp of Sweden

Sandvikengården is a camp, youth hostel, and a canoe center located in the middle of the forest by the beautiful Värmeln lake in Sweden. With respectable 80 years of history, they offer fantastic and luxurious environment for holiday where guests can enjoy exploring the beach, garden, and experience the beauty of Western Sweden Värmland. 

With 30 canoes, 2 kayaks, private bath, church, and beautiful cottages located next to the lake, Sandvikengården has been on people’s top choice for one stop holiday place in Brunskog, Sweden. They also offer various camp programs such as school, music, fall conference, confirmation camp, etc.

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Version 12.1 of the Joomla Platform released

Version 12.1 ("Louis Landry") of the Joomla Platform was tagged and released on 9 May 2012. It is the first release of the 12.x serie. In addition to numerous bug fixes, it also brings new features, the main ones:

implified foundational classes for Model, View and Controller    

Database iterator    

PostgreSQL driver    

New Crypt package    

File patcher 

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Pre-Event Party

ON THURSDAY 17TH What could be better than starting an event with meeting people without all the stress about presentations and going to the next session? We are happy to announce that our friends in Germany have setup a pre jab party. 

We meet at 7pm at "die Scheune", a short walk from the Dolce, for drinks, food, discussions and fun and more drinks. From 7pm to 11pm you can get beer, wine, non alcohol drinks and food for only 29,50 Euro.

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Streaming Live from JAB12

This year we are going to introduce live streaming for the keynotes and large group gatherings! For those of you who aren't able to join us in person, you can join us live on our live webstream for the sessions below.

We will be streaming at so bookmark it and set your calendars for the sessions below. You are able to post comments and if there is a Q/A session your questions may be asked on your behalf.

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Read 4940 times Originally published on Monday, 14 May 2012 00:00
Last modified on Tuesday, 15 May 2012 20:31
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