
Joomla blog posts from around the web (16/12)

Joomla blog posts from around the web (16/12)

Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 16:

• Native Joomla 2.5 Blog Site
• A First Look at the Mobile-Ready Joomla 3.0
• PraiseFrame, PraiseQuery, Greybox Image Gallery PraisePosition, and PraiseRegister now Joomla! 2.5 compatible!
• Duplicate Template Fix for Joomla 2.5
• Independent Review/Video of bfForms for Joomla
• See you at the Dutch Joomladays!
• New Thumbs and Populate releases
• A new business Joomla template - sneak peek
• JCal Pro released
• How to write a Josetta plugin
• Advanced Site Search released
• Enter now to win a free site upgrade to Joomla 2.5, search engine optimization with sh404SEF and more
• How to upgrade JoomlaShine Templates from FREE to PRO
• Share your Joomla Story at
• JSN PowerAdmin extension has a positive review after the first week of release
• JavaScript Library Management for Joomla

Native Joomla 2.5 Blog Site

Written by Brian Teeman

Welcome to the third incarnation of this blog.  When I first started this site - as well as sharing my thoughts on Joomla! and the web in general my intention was also to show how Joomla can be used to build a really great blog.  The first version was built with regular Joomla content and as soon as K2 was released the site was redesigned, rebuilt and given some K2 magic by the guys at JoomlaWorks.

With the release of Joomla 2.5 it became clear to me that not only was it time to migrate my site to 2.5 it was also time for another experiment.  I have taken the opportunity with this rebuild to look at how you use this blog, how you find the content and the best way to satisfy your requirements. After studying the analytics and heat maps one thing was really obvious, the overwhelming majority of site visits are via Google and other direct links such as newsfeeds and social media. So did I need 15 categories, latest content modules, top content modules or tag clouds? It would appear that I did not.

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A First Look at the Mobile-Ready Joomla 3.0

Written by Steve Burge

Joomla 3.0 is due in September and the team have been hard at work bringing the next era of Joomla to life.  One of the most important changes will be an overhaul of Joomla's design. Both the visitor and administrator areas are being redesigned from top-to-bottom.  The next web revolution will be the mobile revolution. As hundreds of millions more people come online, many of them will only be using mobile devices.

Our aim is make Joomla 3.0 completely mobile-friendly, while still remaining recognizably Joomla.  Kyle Ledbetter and his Joomla Usability team ( ) are redesigning Joomla using Twitter Bootstrap. Twitter describes Bootstrap as being: "an extensive front-end toolkit for developing web sites and applications.

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PraiseFrame, PraiseQuery, Greybox Image Gallery PraisePosition, and PraiseRegister now Joomla! 2.5 compatible!

Written by Jonathan Shroyer

In our continuing effort to make our products Joomla! 2.5 compatible, we now have PraiseFrame, PraiseQuery, Greybox Image Gallery and PraisePosition available for download. PraiseQuery is availble to club members and the others are all FREE for everyone to enjoy.

PraiseFrame 2.5

Better than an iFrame

Web content injected directly into your page

HTML Frames and iFrames have given developers the ability to combine web content into one page...with limitations:

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Duplicate Template Fix for Joomla 2.5

Written by Andy Miller

Since the release of Joomla 2.5 there has been a particularly annoying “duplicate template” bug that becomes clearly evident when you install or update a template. As our primary business involves templates, and as a result the vast majority of our users install templates, this has caused a great deal of confusion and consternation among our users.

This bug was identified and patched in the Joomla platform shortly after the 2.5.0 release, however, Joomla is currently at 2.5.2 at the time of this writing and this issue remains because the Joomla platfrom fix has not been merged into the Joomla CMS code. Even when this fix makes it into the Joomla CMS codebase, it will not fix the multiple duplicate database entries that result from the buggy template installer file.

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Independent Review/Video of bfForms for Joomla

Written by Phil Taylor

I stumbled across this video today, its 2 years old but still covers a lot of great features of bfForms, from an independent view point.


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See you at the Dutch Joomladays!

Written by Myra

It’s the Dutch Joomladays this weekend and Joomlatools has an interesting line-up of talks for the  attendees.  Tom, Johan and Steven will be presenting and sharing the latest from Joomlatools HQ plus some Joomla site development tips. 

Our talks

1. Templating with Bootstrap & LESS

Under the motto “Forget what you know”, Tom takes you into the wonderful world of Bootstrap from Twitter and LESS – the dynamic stylesheet language. Bootstrap is also being used for the development of the UI for Joomla 3.0.  Tom will explain various techniques and tricks in using Bootstrap. A must attend session for Joomla template developers.

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New Thumbs and Populate releases

Written by Rey

Attention for those utilizing the DOCman Thumbs addon. We are making this Security Release available.

* Thumbs 1.5.2 for Joomla 1.5.x

* Thumbs 1.6.2 for Joomla 2.5.x

This security release fixes one (1) medium level security issue that affects all versions of DOCman Thumbs.  It is highly recommended that all DOCman Thumb users upgrade immediately.  At the same time we are releasing a standard maintenance release for DOCman Populate.

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A new business Joomla template - sneak peek

Written by Anthony Olsen

Deciding on the final design for a Joomla template can sometimes be a challenge.   I can think of more than a handful of designs that had two, three or even four potentially "final" iterations, that would have made great templates but may never make the leap from PSD to Joomla template to your Joomla website. 

There are a lot of factors that we take into consideration when deciding the type of template to release and I often hold back on releasing a design that is similar to a recent theme in the interest of keeping our catalogue fresh and diverse.

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JCal Pro released

Written by Ron van Schaik

Today we are proud to announce the immediate availability of JCal Pro® 3.1.1 (build 563), which is fully compatible with Joomla! 2.5!

This is a maintenance and feature release.  This release includes fixes for various reported issues as well performance related improvements and language updates.  Changelog Updates:

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How to write a Josetta plugin

Written by Victor Drover

Josetta is a tool that greatly simplifies the process of creating multilingual web sites with Joomla.  After ease of use, one of the most important features of Josetta is that it creates native multilingual content items. This lack of vendor lock-in allows you to upgrade to new versions of Joomla at any time.

Thus, many add-on developers have contacted us for details about making their Joomla 2.5 extensions compatible with Josetta.  To meet this demand, we have released both a technical manual for developers as well as some sample Josetta plugins to use as guides.

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Advanced Site Search released

Written by Ron van Schaik

Today we are proud to announce the immediate availability of Advanced Site Search 3.0.3 (build 1332), which is fully compatible with Joomla! 1.5 and 2.5!  This is a maintenance release. 

Notes: This release is to fix an issue in the Joomla 2.5 installation process of Advanced Site Search. 

Changelog Updates:

[new] Notices and warnings in 2.5 installer

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Enter now to win a free site upgrade to Joomla 2.5, search engine optimization with sh404SEF and more

Written by Victor Drover

I’m sure many of you have noticed all the new releases and announcements in the last few months as we have been working hard to keep step with new releases of Joomla 2.5.   Similarly, many of our site-building colleagues have also been busy upgrading their sites to Joomla 2.5.

One of our favorite go-to web design and development shops is Savvy Panda — owned and operated by Gabe Wahhab.   Gabe and I have been supporting the local Joomla community for years by organizing local Joomla User Group Milwaukee and Joomla Day Midwest. 

Today we are announcing more teamwork — a great contest to win a FREE Joomla 2.5 upgrade!

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How to upgrade JoomlaShine Templates from FREE to PRO

Written by Hanh

If you have used a free JoomlaShine template and now you want to get more options with PRO Editions, this article is for you. I am going to show you the way to upgrade JoomlaShine templates from Free to Pro step by step. In this article, I use the JSN Teki template as example. Please note that upgrading other templates is the same.

Uninstalling JSN Teki Free

The first thing to do is to uninstall JoomlaShine templates Free.  Open the back-end of your Joomla site, go to Template Manager, and change the default template to make sure that the JSN Teki Free is not set to default. You know, you are not allowed to uninstall a default template.

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Share your Joomla Story at

Written by Cory Webb is a place for you to tell the story of how you first got involved in the Joomla community, how you continue to be involved, and how Joomla has impacted your life. It all started as I was thinking over the years I have worked with Joomla and been a part of the community, and I realized just how much Joomla has changed my life. I believe there are thousands of people out there with stories similar to mine, and I wanted to provide a place for those stories to be shared.

If you use Joomla and you have a story to tell about it, head over to and share your story.

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JSN PowerAdmin extension has a positive review after the first week of release

Written by Bui Thi Mo

After the release of JSN PowerAdmin a week ago, the JoomlaShine team is very happy to receive a lot of positive feedback from Joomla! users. All of them find JSN PowerAdmin helpful for their sites. It’s really a big motivation for the JoomlaShine team since we truly want to contribute more to the Joomla! community.  No more waiting, let’s scroll down to those nice words...

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JavaScript Library Management for Joomla

Written by Joe LeBlanc

Once upon a time, JavaScript was poorly regarded. The mention of JavaScript threw chills down the spine of any developer. JavaScript was only written when absolutely, vitally necessary. And even then, the author would write it with a pinched nose, doing the bare minimum to get things working. Cross-browser compatibility was possible for only the most trivial of tasks, while debugging tools were crude at best.

JavaScript today is a different story. Developers are not just writing JavaScript because they need to, but because they want to. It is no longer confined to the web browser; you can use JavaScript for your entire web application stack.

Read the complete post here..

Read 5470 times Originally published on Monday, 23 April 2012 14:00
Last modified on Sunday, 22 April 2012 22:41
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