
Displaying items by tag: Popular

In this post, I give you the most popular posts of 2010. This year was the first full calendar year blogging about Joomla. I started in May 2009. The year has been incredible, and I think the future is bright for Joomla.

When we approach the end of this year, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you - my loyal reader - for supporting my blog. A special thank you goes to all those who comment on my posts, subscribe to my email list, follow my RSS feed and my Twitter account.

Without you, the time I put into writing this blog wouldn't be worth it. However, getting your positive feedback is a constant inspiration to me. It's what makes me want to write better and more informative posts. I continuously learn from you and your feedback, and I hope you take some value from my posts as well. I wish you and your family a happy holiday and a prosperous 2011.

Read on for the 10 most popular posts of 2010.

In this post, I give you the most popular posts of 2009. This year was my first as a Joomla blogger, and the experience has been great.

I will take the opportunity to thank you who's reading my blog. A special thank you goes to all those who comment on my posts, subscribe to my email list, follow my RSS feed and my Twitter account.

Without you, the time it takes to write this blog wouldn't be worth it. However, getting your positive feedback is a constant inspiration to me. It's what makes me want to write better and more informative posts.

I learn from you, and I hope you take away something of value from my reading my blog as well.

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