September Template from RocketTheme: Moxy

RocketTheme Moxy templateMoxy is the September 2009 release from RocketTheme. The theme balances both a simple and complex design, from the inclusion of stunning header styles, complimented by conservatively styled mainbody areas.

The Moxy template is a bit toned down compared to previous templates from RocketTheme. This is a plus in my world, as some of the earlier templates could go a little over the top design-wise. In my opinion, Moxy is very nicely designed.

RokQuickCart, a simple and elegant shopping cart component, debuts with the release of Moxy.

Read on for some of the other features of the new template.


  • RokQuickCart Integration
    RokQuickCart is a simple, JavaScript-based and easy to use shopping component. Use either PayPal or Google Checkout as a payment system, supporting up to 16 currencies.
  • 8 Header Styles
  • Fusion Menu
    Fusion is effectively a dropdown menu which combines the former RokMoomenu and Suckerfish systems into one, offering both javascript enhanced and basic, simple dropdown modes. The menu itself is built on the rewritten core of the latest revision of RokNavMenu, the core application behind all RocketTheme menus. Fusion offers a series of new abilities ranging from Menu Icons, Subtext support and much greater controls over the Multiple Column ability for dropdowns.
  • SEO Layout
    The structure of the template, as with all our themes from April 2009 onwards, are constructed in an atypical fashion which places the main column before the left and right column. Therefore, as the main column loads the vast majority of your content and component, it is logical to assume that this is where your most important data is collated. Subsequently, you will want Google to crawl that first before moving on to the other elements. The traditional layout is Left-Main-Right, in Moxy, it is Main-Left-Right
  • K2 is integrated
    K2 is a content construction component (similar to CCK for those acquainted with Drupal), which lets you create custom content types (items) for your Joomla! website. With K2, you can transform your Joomla! website to a news site with author blogs, product catalogues, work portfolio, knowledge base, download/document manager, directory listing, event listing and more, all this bundled under one component. Again, the template has styled support for this component to visually integrate the powerful component from
  • In addition to this, the template has support for all of the regular RocketTheme extensions

Check out the new template here


Read 7099 times Originally published on Monday, 31 August 2009 21:13
Last modified on Friday, 25 September 2009 10:41
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