Joomla Version Control Backend Ready for Tests

The upcoming Version Control Backend system for Joomla is nearing completion, and now we're invited to test it out by the developer Victor Carbune.

He's been working on the front-end part for about a week or so. It will be pretty much like Google Docs revisions. As soon as an alpha version of the front-end will be available, he will make it available for tests at a test site.

Also, you can install the component backend on a local installation of joomla using this file. Joomla 1.5.11 is installed at the demo site. The administrator password is vscdemo.

The front-end will be accessed through editors-xtd plugin. The developer would like to know what other version control features would be preffered by the Joomla community (maybe post some links in the forum thread to some software that you like and you consider that similar interface options - e.g. the way comparing is displayed - would be well suited for Joomla! users).

I look forward to seeing this functionality making its way into the Joomla core. I've used another plugin for this purpose earlier. It works fine, but I'd prefer this type of functionality installed as a standard component of Joomla.

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Read 6114 times Originally published on Friday, 19 June 2009 19:28
Last modified on Friday, 25 September 2009 10:41
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