Joomla Blog Posts from Around the Web (week 46)

joomla-week-46Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 46.

In a personal post, Brian Teeman talks about why he's involved in Joomla. Steve Burge has discovered some more large sites using Joomla, Weever is a mobile webapp system for your Joomla site. Lastly, Anthony from Joomla Bamboo talks about his upcoming template release, a tumblr inspired blogging template.

Enjoy and have a great week!

Inter Faith Week - or Why I am involved with Joomla!

Written by Brian Teeman

This week, 21st to 27th November, is Inter Faith Week in England and Wales.

Wherever I go I am always asked why I am involved in Joomla! and why I give so much of my time to a piece of software. Working together with people across the world to produce software that will help, in some small way, activities like this take place is exactly what motivates me.

Read the complete post here...

U.K. Government Uses Joomla

Written by Steve Burge

The Serious Organised Crime Agency is a vital part of the U.K. Government's crime fighting arm. They are the closest thing the country has to the FBI.

Read the complete post here...

Announcing "Weever – Your Joomla! Site. Mobile. In Minutes."

Written by Andrew J Holden

Weever is not just a template, it creates a mobile webapp from your existing site. Your Weever site acts like a native smart phone app: with animations, tab bar navigation, offline mode, and social networking and location features.

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Maersk is Using Joomla

Written by Steve Burge

Maersk is the largest container ship operator and supply vessel operator in the world. In 2009, it was the 106th largest company in the world according to Fortune Magazine.

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Groupama Uses Joomla

Written by Steve Burge

Groupama is the second largest insurance company in France and one of the largest in the world with offices across Europe and Asia.

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A Journal theme for December

Written by Anthony Olsen

The Joomla template for december is a tumblr inspired blogging template that we are hoping is going to feature an integration for the Lifestream component from our friends over at Joomlashack. If you haven't seen it the Lifestream extension is a way to pull various feeds from social networking sites into your Joomla site to give you a live stream of your presence on the web.

Read the complete post here...

Read 4554 times Originally published on Monday, 29 November 2010 09:00
Last modified on Saturday, 27 November 2010 12:59
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