Joomla Blog Posts from Around the Web (week 45)


Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 45.

Brian Teeman wrote an interesting post about a search project aimed at finding out the use of different CMS types in Europe. Guess which system is no. 1?

Fotis Evangelou has written a post on how to redirect your site RSS feed to FeedBurner, Chris Davenport has a post on what will happen with Joomla development post Joomla 1.6, and as usual there are some posts from

Enjoy the read and have a great week!

Joomla! is number one in Europe

Written by Brian Teeman

This month a survey by of 2,944,914 European web sites has been able to identify the publishing solution used in almost 494,040 of those sites.

Unlike other statistical analysis this was restricted to European TLD (top level domains) and does not limit itself to only testing sites in the top x million based on traffic.

Read the complete post here...

Where Next for Joomla development?

Written by Chris Davenport

With Joomla 1.6 nearing completion the thoughts of many have been turning to "the next step".

There are two extremes on the scale of viewpoints about how open source projects should be run. At one extreme, we have the "benevolent dictator" approach where a single leader decides, in isolation, what will be incorporated into the codebase and what will not.

At the opposite extreme, we have a project where all decisions are taken in the democratic tradition of a majority vote.

Read the complete post here...

OSM Nomination and Election Process

Written by Alice Grevet

The following draft text has been drawn up in order to clarify and further define the nomination and election process to OSM board positions. We invite you to submit your feedback via the Joomla! People site link at the bottom. Thank you!

Read the complete post here...

Elegant way to pass on your primary Joomla! RSS feed to Feedburner

Written by Fotis Evangelou

We all know Feedburner. The cool service offered by Google that makes distributing your RSS feed a lot better with analytics, various RSS feed reader support and so on...

Now, the dead simple way to add your RSS feed link on your Joomla! site

Read the complete post here...

2010 Success for Joomla in Europe

Written by Steve Burge

We are rapidly approaching the last major Joomla event in Europe for 2010.Joomla!Day Spain takes place in Valencia on on November 26 and 27.That will make a total of 10 major European Joomla events in 2010. They've been held all across western Europe and have attracted nearly 4000 people in total.

Read the complete post here...

Read 4623 times Originally published on Monday, 22 November 2010 15:00
Last modified on Friday, 19 November 2010 18:24
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