Joomla Blog Posts from Around the Web (week 41)

joomla-week-41Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 41.

This week, there are some posts on the topic of Joomla distributions. I've touched on that topic before, in my post Should the Joomla core be lightweight or feature rich? Now, Steve Burge and Amy Stephen share their views on this subject in two posts.

The Joomla Extensions Directory now has over 6000 extensions - not bad at all - considering all of them are GPL!

There's also a report from JoomlaDay Italy, to mention some of this week's posts from other Joomla blogs and websites.

Enjoy the read!


Has K2 opened the door to more opportunities for Joomla? We think so.

Written by Mike Johnston

For those who are unaware, K2 is a component for Joomla that provides the popular CMS with the ability to further customize the way content is displayed on your site.

Read the complete post here...

The Pros and Cons of Distributions

Written by Steve Burge

First up, some thoughts on Molajo which is the shaping up to be the first widely-marketed Joomla distribution. Joomla's had few distros before such as Non-Profit Soapbox and the pre-packaged installs put out by template clubs and extensions like Virtuemart.

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Report from Joomla!Day Italy 2010

Written by AlexRed

The third JoomlaDay Italy took place the 9th October from 9am to 18pm in Verona, a city of unique beauty, witness to thousands of years of history, an easy-to-reach modern business and trade centre.

Read the complete post here...

6051 Extensions in the Joomla Extensions DirectoryExtensions Directory Reaches Six Thousand Published!

Written by Matt Lipscomb

The Joomla! Extensions Directory (JED) reached 6000 published listings this week.  We wanted to take a moment to share what that means and additionally give an overview of how the JED statistics compare with both Wordpress and Drupal.

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Open Source Matters Elects New Treasurer

Written by Jacques Rentzke

The Board of Open Source Matters, Inc. (OSM) has elected Paul Orwig as Treasurer of the organization. He replaces Steve Burge, who had been appointed as Acting Treasurer on the 10th of August 2010.

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Bring on the Joomla! Distributions!

Written by Amy Stephen

There's been a lot of talk over the last year, or so, about creating Joomla! distributions. The idea is an obvious one, pull together all the extensions needed into one package to create a nice vertical market implementation that makes creating certain types of Web sites a snap.

Read the complete post here...

Inside Out - A Fresh Joomla template

Written by Anthony Olsen

Im happy once again to announce the release of the Inside Out Joomla Template which is a little late due to illness a few weeks ago. If you missed the sneak preview a few weeks ago the template has a unique left column layout that uses a fixed menu to keep your menu up front and on the page regardless of where the user scrolls to through your content.

Read the complete post here...

Read 4263 times Originally published on Monday, 25 October 2010 01:00
Last modified on Monday, 25 October 2010 14:06
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