Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 36.
Last week marked the 5 Year anniversary of the release of Joomla 1.0, and you'll find the original blog post about that. Also, Brian Teeman has launched a new site with, among other stuff, his hidden Joomla secrets.
There are more posts to read as well, so read on for some good Joomla readin'.
Have a great week!
The 5th Anniversary of Joomla's 1st Version
Written by Steve Burge
5 years ago today, the very first version of Joomla was released.
The sites were unveiled on September 1st and just over two weeks later, Joomla 1.0 was made publicly available.
Read the complete post here...
Launching a new site
Written by Brian Teeman
On the 5th anniversary of the release of Joomla 1.0 I have decided to launch a new web site.
Suprisingly it is probably only about the third or fourth site I have ever built just for myself and not a client.
Read the complete post here...
Happy 200th Birthday Mexico from Joomla!
Written by Steve Burge
This is a time of celebration for Mexico. The country is commemorating 200 years since the start of its war of independence from Spain.
Mexico's third century is already off to a great start because the official government website for the event is running Joomla
Read the complete post here...
Joomla! Web Development: Open-Source Awesome
Written by Andrew J Holden
Writing an extensive (rambling?) piece about why Joomla! is so wonderful is something I've been meaning to do for some time, and reading the ATAAW thread Why ATAAW Should Never Be 'On Property' was the final motivating factor for me.
Read the complete post here...
Fixed sidebar magazine layout for October
Written by Anthony Olsen
The Joomla template we have in production for October is another sterling design created by David Vuu. The design has been locked down and has already gone into production and should make good use of the Zen Grid Joomla template framework.
Read the complete post here...
Joomla and a Chamber of Commerce Website
Written by Steve Burge
Earlier this year we ran a series of interview on developers of very high-profile Joomla websites. Now in a new series we're talking with developers of normal business websites and interesting aspects of their work.
Why did you pick Joomla as a platform for this site?
Read the complete post here...