Joomla Blog Posts from Around the Web (week 24)

joomla-week-24Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 24.

This week, Brian Teeman is all about 2010 Football World Cup and he links it to Joomla in a fun way.

There's also a piece on Mootools 1.2, a J and Beyond retrospective by JoomlaWorks and a look at how to deploy large-scale websites with Joomla.


Brianteeman: The Joomla World Cup

Written by Brian Teeman

As the world prepares for a four week onslaught of football (sorry my American friends but it is football not soccer and this is a world championship that includes countries other than the USA) I thought it would be time for a bit if fun.

Each day during the World Cup I will feature a prominent joomla powered website from each competing nation as they win a game.

Read the complete post here....

Communityjoomla: Interview With Altansukh About Mongolian Government Websites

Written by Steve Burge

About this Blog

This is the seventh in a series of blog posts about major Joomla websites and the developers who built them.

This week we're talking with Altansukh about his role in moving almost the entire Mongolian Government over to Joomla websites.

Read the complete post here....

Joomlaleadership: Mooing Forward With Joomla! 1.5

Written by Ian MacLennan

Since the release of Mootools 1.2, we have found ourselves facing a rather difficult question - what do you do with the 1.5 core?  Unfortunately, the changes that came in Mootools 1.2 were significant enough that backwards compatibility with Mootools 1.1 was a difficult task.  I like to compare it to the difference between Joomla! 1.0 and Joomla! 1.5.  We did a lot of house cleaning and made our framework much smoother and much cleaner.

Read the complete post here....

Alltogetherasawhole: WideImage Library Plugin for Joomla 1.6

Written by Matt Thomson

Hi All,

I have been using the Wideimage ( library in my gallery extension for the last couple of versions. I have spent some time of the last 2 years the making my own image functions, and experimenting with other libraries, and this is the best I have found.

Read the complete post here....

Joomlaworks: J and Beyond 2010 - a JoomlaWorks retrospective

Written by Fotis Evangelou

A retrospective of J and Beyond 2010, the first ever international Joomla! event, as seen from the eyes of JoomlaWorks! When we get some more time, we'll make another one with all public photos posted on the J and Beyond 2010 Flickr pool :)

Read the complete post here....

Howtojoomla: Deploying Large-Scale Websites with Joomla - Part 1: An Interview with Mitch Pirtle

I've heard a lot of talk lately about whether or not Joomla can handle large-scale websites, or if it's best used for small mom-and-pop sites. I can say emphatically that the answer to that question is that Joomla is not only useful for small mom-and-pop sites, but it can also be used to build it medium and large-scale sites.

Read the complete post here....

Read 4356 times Originally published on Friday, 18 June 2010 11:04
Last modified on Friday, 18 June 2010 12:28
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