Joomla blog posts from around the web (35/11)


Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 35:          

•  The Guest User Group - Hiding menu items and module
• The 4 Pillars of Open Source Communities
• The VEL team is looking for new members.
• The birth of the Joomlerios Template and more     importantly, community movement
• Emptying the trash in Joomla 1.7
• Tienda Joomla Templates Updated
• Our K2 Joomla Templates (updated)
• How To Build A Profitable Lifestyle Web App, Even If You’re Not A Developer – with Dane Maxwell


The Guest User Group - Hiding menu items and module

Written by Brian Teeman 

A lot of work went in to preparing that presentation and I hope to be taking it around the world in the coming months. (If you can't wait to see it live or for the video you can see the slides now.) Reducing the "Hidden Secrets" to a 45 minute presentation sadly meant that some of them were dropped so I intend to write about them here instead.

Read the complete post here...

The 4 Pillars of Open Source Communities

Written by Steve Burge

In 2006 I quit my job to work full-time in open source. It was fortunate timing, because the years since then have seen extraordinary growth. What was once a hobby or a sideline has now taken over the web. It's almost certain that more than 20% of the web will run on either WordPress, Joomla or Drupal by the the end of 2011.

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The VEL team is looking for new members

Written by Mandville

An important part of the Joomla Community, the Vulnerable Extensions List team is looking for new members who can:       

  * Monitor security feeds and sites from various sources 

  * Identify greetz spam from real cases. 

   * Locate extension sites and developers from (sometimes) minimal information 

   * Are able to use the JED directory with confidence?  

  * Are able to follow simple rules and guidelines?    

  * Ideally be familiar with wiki (

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The birth of the Joomlerios Template and more importantly, community movement

Written by Amy Stephen

Great video from Emerson Rocha Luiz as he builds the Joomlerios Template. The video covers creating a Template, Modules, positions, and so on, as Emerson integrates tools like 960 Grid System and Bootstrap into Joomla 1.7. It is a very helpful video for professional frontend devs to see the real power of Joomla for building professional websites.

Read the complete post here...

Emptying the trash in Joomla 1.7

Written by Matthew Hayashida

Joomla 1.7 has simplified much of the Joomla content workflow, making things easier and faster to do. However, one of the things that has gotten slightly more complicated is finding and emptying the trash.

In Joomla 1.5, I'm sure you know that the article trash can be easily managed and emptied by selecting Content > Article Trash from the main menu. In Joomla 1.7, that menu item is gone but the trash feature is still there.

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Tienda Joomla Templates Updated

Written by  Anthony Olsen

Just a short note to let you know that the Shopfront, Zen Simpleshop and Shop Ignition Joomla templates have been updated to be compatible with the recently released Tienda v0.8.0.

Read the complete post here...

Our K2 Joomla Templates (updated)

Written by  Anthony Olsen

Last week I posted how and where to check out which of our Joomla templates are compatible with Joomla 1.7 and today I thought I would point out that I have added a page where you can see which of our joomla templates are compatible with K2.

Read the complete post here...

Read 4608 times Originally published on Tuesday, 13 September 2011 13:00
Last modified on Thursday, 15 September 2011 18:42
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