Joomla blog posts from around the web (12/11)

joomla-week-12Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 12.

This week, Brian Teeman tells us to follow the SCAM and we'll will be building an easy to manage Joomla web site.

Sudhi Seshachala has written a post on deploying Joomla on multiple databases.

Additionally, Thomas Kahl has been made aware of and fixed a security issue in the Virtuemart Paypal payment module.

Joomla Training was a SCAM now it's all about CASH

Written by Brian Teeman

As many of you know I spend a large percentage of my time teaching people how to use Joomla. Sometimes  that is for people who are complete Joomla virgins but more often than not it is for people who have had a  Joomla web site built for them and now they want to know how to use it.

Read the complete post here...


Joomla on multiple databases!

Written by Sudhi Seshachala

Joomla is developed on the Open Source Database MySQL. Though Joomla framework is designed to be working with multiple databases, the developers worked mainly on MySQL owing to the fact that MySQL was available freely as an Open Source Database and was easily accessible. This is also the main reason that most of the open source Packages are using MySQL as primary choice for database.

For many, the next logical step will be to support Joomla 1.6 function on multi database including Oracle, SQLServer and PostgresSQL.

Read the complete post here...

Important Fix for Paypal Users

Written by Thomas Kahl

Today Fabian Petzold from fpCOM - IT Professional informed us about a security problem in the notify.php of the paypal payment module. Together with our friends at Sobi / Sigsiu.NET we could reproduce this problem: it is possible to change the order status to "confirmed" (=payed) without really paying the order through paypal.

With his new patch it is no longer allowed to call the notify from a sandbox transaction without the debug mode switched on. The Shop-Admin will be informed by mail that this has been tried.

Read the complete post here...

Read 3203 times Originally published on Monday, 28 March 2011 15:00
Last modified on Monday, 28 March 2011 10:15
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