Joomla blog posts from around the web (11/11)

joomla-week-11Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 11.

The Joomla! Extensions  Directory (JED) reached 7000 published listings this week.

PHP web apps with New Relic RPM.

Joomlashack just recently released the Enterprise template.

Seven Thousand Listings and Counting

Written by Matt Lipscomb

In October 2010 I had the privledge of writing a blog post about the JED reaching 6000 listings.  Little  did I know that 4 1/2 months later I would be writing a "7000 listings" post.  The Joomla! Extensions  Directory (JED) reached 7000 published listings this week.

Read the complete post here...

A change of plans for our March Joomla template

Written by Anthony Olsen

When I was looking at which template to use for March Joomla template, I couldn't quite decide whether to  go ahead with the Project theme that I announced  last week, or the Shop Ignition theme  that you can see  in this blog post. And so in the last few days I have decided to switch these template releases around so  that  the Shop Ignition template is now scheduled for release in March - hopefully sometime this week. And  the Project template will be released in April.

Read the complete post here...

New Relic RPM: performance analysis tool for PHP (and how to install it on a cPanel based server)

Written by Fotis Evangelou

Ensure the health and availability of your production PHP web apps with New Relic RPM. Monitor overall  application response time and throughput including memcache, database and external services. Then go  deeper into individual web transactions and database calls to MySQL, PostgresSQL, and any PDO-supported  database all the way down to SQL statements.

Read the complete post here...

Joomlashack gives Joomlapraise Enterprise

Written by Gary Gisclair

Joomlashack just recently released the Enterprise template. We're happy to announce that Joomlapraise users will have access to this template on the Joomlapraise site.  Here's a little about the Enterprise Joomla template via Joomlashack.

Read the complete post here...

SH404's new 404 request manager

Written by Anthony Olsen

It is unavoidable that as Joomla! extensions develop, new features are missed by end users. You only need  to look at Microsoft word as an example of an application suffers from feature creep -  common requests  for addiitonal features often include requests for features that already exists in the program.

Read the complete post here...

Read 5845 times Originally published on Wednesday, 23 March 2011 00:00
Last modified on Wednesday, 23 March 2011 18:15
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